Monday, September 21, 2009

[late evening listening] strumming guitar

The Economic Voice's Titanic Captain presents Chris King in Cardiff:

Dearieme pours fire on troubled oil with his own pithy observation of the Blogger lockdown saga. Laugh? I reach for my Browning :)


Finally, I present Chris Isaac [yes I know I've posted this before but I like it]. The camerawork is amateurish but the sound is nice:


  1. Thanks James....

    If you don't like my bass playing its your speakers lol....

  2. Indeed James...that hat never leaves my head in the replaces old faithful my previous compensator for my follicle disposition...

    Many moons ago (I love that saying) when I was skint and couldn't afford coal for my stove I used to wear old faithful in the bath (Obviously took it off when it came to dunking under to wash my head)....I think that hat is still around somewhere...if it hasn't run away.


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.