Tuesday, September 01, 2009

[closed minds] ad hominem and 911

Harry Hook has this report on 911 which claims to establish that the attacks were the result of Black Ops. I've not gone down the 911 road much on this blog but this seems quite alarming, in fact.

One thing also quite interesting to me is the phenomenon in America where any questioning of the motives of authorities results in the rapid "-er" treatment - Birthers, Truthers - in lieu of full discussion of the allegations.

We saw this amazing phenomenon with JFK and the split into two camps - one called SBTists and the other Conspiracy Theorists. There was no actual attempt to look at the evidence dispassionately, which I tried to do a couple of weeks back. I would have been willing to accept either theory if it had panned out that way.

What is this mania over there to suddenly split into camps? They even did it with the Tribulation, with one group, for Heaven's sake, called the Pre-Tribbers. This is not the way to investigate anything - to take a stance before you've seriously got down to investigation and then to just call the other side names.

It's quite frankly puerile.

So I hope people will at least look at this 911 biz with an open mind.


  1. The report focuses on the attack on the Pentagon during that fateful day.

    The evidence that the crash site of Flight 175, and Flight 93 in Pennsylvania, is not the result of a civil airliner crash... is compelling.

  2. James, I am not going to comment on the 911 theroies to much here. I have one question, Would the establishment scarfice human life to gain power or generate motive for international gain?

    Regarding America picking"sides", this is a learned thing from early on and is based on extreme arogance. It comes from, I "know" everything to know and my anwer or choice is the correct one, period. The thought that one could be wrong is not taught here.

    So, America is always right, and we would never do anything bad in the world so why did "they" attack us. We must go to war over this.

    This has happened several times in history. WWI, WWII, 911.....

    Make no mistake, the American people have no knowledge of the real world. Everybody has huge stores where you can buy whatever you want when you want. Everyone has 1000 TV stations to watch whatever they want, and so on. The fact is Americans are spoiled, immature, and arogant.

    This is very unfortunate for us, as we have a lot to offer if we can just get over ourselves!!!

  3. "Would the establishment scarfice human life to gain power or generate motive for international gain?"

    er... YES

  4. TB - I was 12 years in Russia and it seems the big nations don't always concern themselves with what goes on beyond the shores.

    The educated American is another thing. One of my favourite bloggers is Vox Day and he knows more than me about what's happening over here on many days.

    I appreciate the American connection, as do a few Brit bloggers I know and would hate to lose that connection.

    There just seem far greater similarities than differences, which is why we should be allied with the English speaking world rather than as part of the EU. Just my opinion, of course.

    Much as I like Europe in itself and miss it a lot.

  5. Harry - we're further down the track on this one than a lot of Americans - their faith in their system is stronger than I thought.

  6. I have had the fortune to travel to 13 countries after my time in the United States Marine Corps. I have had more education than I think any one man should be allowed to have. That said, our history (the world) is held in the hands of those outside of America. We are a young country still trying to define our place. So far, we are great at war as we have been fighting ever since we pushed the Redcoats out. We still think force solves everything just like a teenage boy solves problems.

    We live under the illusion of freedom and there seems to be an effort to keep the masses ignorant. We may already be the biggest socialist state on the planet, but we call it a democracy.

    I have seen a lot of the evidence for the 911 conspiracy theory. It is a moot point to discuss as the effort will not yield any positive change. We can’t change the past, only the future. “If we fail to learn from or history, are destined to repeat it.”(Romel 1943) The bottom line is that America understands sacrifice beyond pretense. Regardless of the lie, if the outcome is acceptable then it does not matter the means. Should we put the fate of the educated in the hands of the ignorant?

    When China’s massive new army moves who will stop it? If you are going to try and stop it, where do you want your armies? What limited natural resource slowed Hitler’s tanks? These questions may seem odd, but they are the answers to the whole riddle of 911. We must not look back now, but forward and toward tomorrow’s threat.

    Let me ask you this; Does English current affairs affect America more than American current affairs affect England?

    Why is the world so concerned about who we pick as our President?


  7. There comes a point where if a mind is not closed it is only because it is bleeding out of a self-inflicted wound.

    I have great faith in the second-class nature and intelligence of the politician. No matter that more intelligent, capable, and devious men may advise or associate with him; it takes great intelligence to make truly great blunders.

    Sometimes incompetence is so great we mistake it for something else.

  8. Hee hee - haven't heard us referred to as redcoats for a long while.

    A friend of mine went to America to stay and the father [ex-army general] of the woman he was sweet on asked her, apparently, why the hell this guy wanted to get into American questions.

    What the hell business was it of his what the Americans did?

    There was a big surprise for him. What America does very much affects what goes on in the wider world.

    Apart from the western Europeans, there hasn't been a country more expansionary in its cultural mindset, in the modern era, than America, despite Monroe.

    Besides, it's interesting and a whole lotta fun what goes on over there.

  9. Jeez... I think Glenn Beck, Alex Jones and the Oathkeepers... have got one hell of a hill to climb

  10. Well done James for daring to suggest that one might consider 911 with an open mind. Even this is enough to condemn you in the eyes of many.

  11. I think my days might be numbered but really - why not just look at the evidence as it is?

  12. 'Apart from the western Europeans, there hasn't been a country more expansionary in its cultural mindset, in the modern era, than America, despite Monroe.'

    Americans could not possibly care less, James. What you are wittnessing is an export we don't have anything to do with, made by people we often despise. Much less responisble still are we for the fact that foreigners are embracing various parts of it, for better and for much worse.

    Now if there is something being exported by USG, it is an ignorant belief that democracy is not the worst form of government for many places. This dellusion has increased as our illusions about the state of our own democracy have increased. That is no coincidence.

    Liberty is the hardest test that one can inflict on a people. To know how to be free is not given equally to all people and all nations--Paul Valery

    Very regrettably, that increasingly includes America and the West.

  13. James, xlbrl makes a great point;" What you are witnessing is an export we don't have anything to do with ,made by people we often despise".

    Evidently there are Americans that take no responsibility for the actions of those they elect.

    As for those we elect, on the left we have a party pushing a socialist agenda hard. On the right we have a party willing to sacrifice civil liberty for the “greater good.” The common people of America just worry about their simple existence and do not worry about anything beyond their neighborhoods.

    Then there is a group of those who have served this country faithfully, only to realize that their blood was spilt for an agenda they do not believe in. Americans know that there are those who operate in the shadows of democracy and as long as these American heads are buried like an ostrich they do not have to take any responsibility for the heinous actions committed by the shadow dwellers.

    This democracy is about and for the people. Today the people take no responsibility for the beast they unleash when they vote it into power.

  14. Many thanks, Talking Bear and I was speaking with offialdom here today and was able to give the point of view from over there in Middle America [forgive me if you're considerably higher than that].

    If this blog has done nothing else, it has got these points of view out for people to look at.

  15. No worries James. I have been in all the "classes" here at one time or another, I take no offense. At the moment, I doubt that I would be considered "middle class" although I think that is truly the best place to be in America. I have a friend who always says "different levels, different devils". He is right about that.

    As humans we always feel a need form some reason to segregate into groups. Old money, new money, upper class, lower class, the bottom line is that we are all the same in more ways than we are different. English, French, German and so on, does it really matter? We are THE HUMAN race and we should know better than to act like animals fighting over that which we can not control or ideas that don't really matter.

    My life will not be measured by how much money or power I have, but by how many lives I help along the way. Contribution seems to be the only thing history really cares about. How did I help mankind and the earth.

    That is way discussing things is only good if we are going to put a common solution into practice. I would encourage you to challenge your readers to action.

    Make change James!

  16. I'm trying, I'm trying, TB. some would say I'm very trying.


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