Sunday, September 06, 2009

[blogging on valium] across the sphere

Having just done the rounds of my blogrolls, I left the main roll till last and so reached Mark Wadsworth who had this:

This is my first post since 8.32 Friday morning. It seems like weeks. Maybe I'm addicted or something.

That just confirms to me something I've noticed for a few days - very few are blogging. Of those who are, some seem to be going through the motions but there are precious few who are really going for it in the way regular bloggers do. Some were writing curt little posts.

Not only that, not all that many were visiting. When people drop off visiting me, my first reaction is, "Oh dear, what have I done to offend now?" My second reaction is, "Oh dear, perhaps I should be visiting more."

This is what I have now done and can say that very few seem to be visiting anyone.

Now, this might be down to the last warm weather of summer, the last chance to have time away. It might be down to the American Labor Day weekend and our bank holiday sort of continuing on into the next weekend. It could be all these things.

Too early to say it's anything to do with the blogosphere as a whole although I've been reading some stories about this.


  1. I feel a bit flat at the moment. Okay I'm chrining out stuff and I have a lot of Paris photos to publis (including a lot more sparrows and fireworks!) but I can't get my act together to do a number of things including the following:

    Finish off the Red Cushing saga

    Revisit Sean Russell and the IRA/Reich connection in WWII

    Start a Personal heroes thread

    or more topically write about a huge miscarriage of justice in Texas

    Perhaps tomorrow...

  2. Let's have the Personal Heroes thread first. :)

    One of mine was done in three parts today.

  3. JH, for clarification, I was on the road and unable to blog!

  4. Another reason maybe is that it is just about the end of the school holidays. So People with kids might be caught up with that.

  5. Now that you have brought it up I realize the same thing is happening in the U.S.

    This may become known as the Higham effect.

  6. I was getting paranoid myself James.....This weekend has been our worst since we started....

  7. A thought is blogging a boom activity? By which I mean that if everyone knows as they do at the mometn that people are losing jobs, they may put more energy into keeping theirs which means that they don't have the time to blog. I have no idea whether that's true but it may show something about the difference in the way that people work and hence how they spend their leisure in recessions?

  8. I think Gracchi may have a point: when things get bad, it goes quiet.


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