Saturday, August 01, 2009

[silent saturday] nice way to spend it


  1. My brother loves to hang around cafes,people watching.
    I can't think of anything more droll.
    I used to like to go to cafes alone though and write my correspondence or read.

  2. Looks like a cattle market to me.

  3. Ha ha. Maybe but I enjoy sitting, sipping and watching the passing parade for an hour, particularly in convivial company.

  4. Surely James, your comment is a contradiction.

    If your company is convivial, doesn't it deserve your undivided attention?
    Doesn't the distraction of the passing parade prove distracting.
    Same with mobile phones. The immediate race to answer the call says that the caller is more important, and insults your guest.

    I remember a coffee bar in Bath, probably 43 years ago, where the place was entirely cubicled (generous sizes), and further, curtains could be drawn to stop visual and curtail audible.
    The coffee was good, waiters responded to a cubicle press button (that rang somewhere out of ear-range) decor was old,-- brass and heavy curtains, and the place was bookable, and there was always a queue, - and this for mainly coffee and snacks.

    A formula that worked, but maybe the business economics would fail currently.

    Memories, sigh!

  5. Anon 1 - you caught me out. All right, occasionally I'd look sideways when I was bored :)

    Anon 2 - that one is noted and there are two others from previous posts. They're going into a new post, along with other material. Coming soon.

  6. That would be nice, but it is raining today!

  7. Is it? Not up our way it's not though it's overcast now.

  8. It rained for a about 5 minutes here.I told it to stop!

  9. Well, it's either the most elegant 'hoof-hearted' quiz picture I've ever seen..

    ...or it's 'Where's Polly?'
    - with La Toynbee herself centre right(as if!) just behind and stage right of the cute brunette in the black vest...

  10. Uber - and of course it did.

    NNWer - thought you might notice the lass. :)

  11. It rained this morning and it was so cold I had to put the heating on for half an hour to warm the house up!

  12. That's interesting - it's so warm here, I jsut took the t-shirt off and exposed the rugged chest [can't believe I write this stuff]. :)

    Actually, it is warm this evening.


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