Tuesday, July 14, 2009

[ageing boomers] care plan will be subsumed

Age care in Tibet

The first thoughts about the belated care plan being mooted are that:

1. Neither party has a clue how to tackle the issue;

2. It comes back to the generation issue - Boomers [or Joneses, whatever] retiring in huge numbers and the state already unable to cope because of:
a. Brown/Blair's cynical incompetence in plunging Britain into hock for two generations, a nation of welfare dependents who are beginning to see this as a lifestyle, public debt at record levels, other projected burdens on the public purse, not least the NHS;

b. A general malaise which socialist governments always produce, historically, in the long term. Conservative governments produce anger and political division, socialist governments produce a world-weary malaise across all sectors except the fat cats above who always do well but it's particularly noticeable under socialism because the middle class and poor are so much poorer off. It's no accident about Wilson's years.

Having said all that, the ageing population is no one's fault but their parents all those years ago. I don't think it's even the fault of governments here because the arithmetic is simple - too few in the workforce to pay for the burgeoning retirees.

Add to this the behaviour of the Boomers who've been largely spending and not saving against the inevitable day.

This is where confrontational politics and the adversarial Westminster system is hardly equal to the task. In times of emergency in the past, the system has always become all-party government and that points to the failing in the Westminster system in the first place.

The thing is, even though pundits have been speaking of this for years, no cross-party solution was ever seriously sought. Knowing the EU agenda of Major/Blair/Brown, it was hardly likely. Cherie asked me not to use the term socialist. Fine, a rose is a rose by any other name. For convenience, we can use the term globalist, international socialist, infighting specialists, whatever you like but they're not interested in a solution to this except in its political usefulness.

Think it out. Britain can't cope and nor can any nation. So what will we do to cope with the Boomers? Make them continue to work? But there is no work to be had any more - Britain's industry has ground to a halt. So there is the prospect of these people not just being poverty stricken but being on the street and in need of medical attention. Don't forget also that Brown robbed the pension funds.

It's a dystopia we're facing.

In steps the white knight, the EU, with obscene amounts of intergenerational old money, topped up by the drug, porn and prostitution racket and they propose a solution which will keep the old people off the street. Hey presto. Instant votes for the EU from the large Boomer numbers and the referendum can now be put.

Can you see another scenario apart from creating another war and killing most of the older Boomers off?


  1. Isn't it really that the problem with funding pensions is that the UK Government took the money for state pensions, paid since they started and instead of investing it in pension schemes that then paid out they spent it directly, by paying it to pensioners.

    A problem built into the system by the ones who set it up.

    If each individual's contribution had gone into funds and been invested surely there would be money now.

    Except maybe if the Government changed the tax rules to cream off some of the money hoping no one would notice, and/or maybe just raided it for a windfall...

  2. I think everyone's too shellshocked, it's summer and who wants to be reminded of the next quarter.


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