Thursday, June 25, 2009

[optimism] better for the mental health

Life likes to teach some lessons. There are essentially four major blows which could befall me and it's been like this since I came back to Britain. One happened today but it's still too early to know the extent of the fallout.

Naturally, my friend said, 'Don't worry about it.'

Right at that point, I saw this:

Farrah Fawcett, the "Charlie's Angels" star whose feathered blond hair and dazzling smile made her one of the biggest sex symbols of the 1970s, died Thursday after battling cancer. She was 62.

When you see the nature of her cancer, it does put things into perspective. I've had, for a month or so, a very mild form of tinnitus but I was reading the other day about the bad stuff and it's anything but what I have. Mine only partially intrudes but heaven help those who have the full-blown version.

Still, there are ways to come to terms with tinnitus, there are ways to get round my own little matter in a few months but there's no way to come to terms with Farrah Fawcett's cancer.

Everything is relative, really, isn't it? I admire eternal optimists who can't see how our society has been brought to the impasse it has and their enthusiasm is infectious. They genuinely believe we're about to turn the corner and maybe we should just throw in our lot with them and adopt their point of view.


  1. The worst thing about tinnitus is when other people start complaining about the constant high-pitched ringing noise.

  2. I am sure you know I am going to ask you if you have had your ear checked out? Not because I think it is anything bad, but because tinnitus can sometimes be solved quite easily.

    & yes things are relative one of my friends has recently revealed she has cancer...

  3. CherryPie is quite right about having tinnitus checked out by your GP. One thing I have been struggling to do for the past thirty years or so is to enjoy the present and not worry about the future or brood over the past. When I succeed I am happy.

  4. I can understand someone saying don't worry about it when you don't have all the facts or the situation is such that it will work out in the end. Most things do. Look at your own situation over the last year.

    You have accused me of being an optimist. I am in a way but only because I look past short term issues and see the future as more positive and I prepare as much as I can for the short term issues.

    Life is like a steeplechase. Lots of hurdles to jump. No sooner past one than another one looms ahead. Take them one at a time and you get there in the end. Prepare as well as you can for each one and if you worry about one too much and you can fail to prepare for the others.

    Worry is a stress inducer. If you worry and it doesn't happen then you have worried for nothing. if you worry and it does, you have the stress of worry on top of the problem which makes it worse. If worrying solved problems then worry away but it does. It makes them worse.

  5. there's something to the positive mental energy. Not that I practice it all the time. Wouldn't want you thinking me a saint or something.

    hope your doing better here before long!

  6. I like to look at worst case scenario ,which allows me to put things in perspective as well as prepare for the absolute worst with anything less than that being an improvement.

    Having said that, ' I hate chipper people!'


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