Monday, June 01, 2009

[nourishing obscurity] the new goth blog

Now that's more than interesting. Google ads works, of course, on the things you've been posting on and I'm not sure but possibly doesn't take into account comments.

I'd like to know what I posted on which brought on a goth ad like the one in the screenshot [left]. something about the dark side or was it god-free-morals or was it the youtubes?

Interesting. Still, it's quite flattering.


  1. If anything (sic) is obscure and in need of nourishing it (sic) is the goth chics i see walking' trance like' into the supermarket. They did not have supermarkets in the 19th century. I am obscurily (sic)confused.


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.