Monday, January 12, 2009

[popularity] the fickleness of a nation


When you're out of favour, you're really out of favour.

Former PM John Howard lost his seat as well as the election for the party. Then came the Barack Obama tiff over Blair House.

Now it's a flight of passengers angry that they had to wait because John Howard was on the flight. I think this is completely unfair on the man. Australians made their feelings known at the election but that's no reason not to accord a former PM, of whichever party, the dignity of ordinary protocols.

There is a military protocol that when you salute, you are not saluting the man, you're saluting the rank and the station. It should be the same here.

This is not to say he should be accorded personal respect - I think he should - but he should be accorded dignity, just as all should be according to their roles and achievements.

PC madness

In Oz, "the reign of exclusive clubs offering men-only admission to their influential ranks may soon be over. Victoria's Attorney-General, Rob Hulls, has signalled he would favour putting an end to protections that allow private clubs to be excluded from equal opportunity laws."

Can you imagine one of those feminist covens at seats of higher learning, where they decide which texts to rewrite next, being enforced under that law? Equal opportunities is one of the most abused laws in Britain and Australia and it's in the hands of entirely the wrong people to "positively discriminate" towards the wrong people and against the indigenous citizen.

Look, if I want to be in a club for all men or if a ladyfriend wants an all girl club membership, then why the hell not? What business is it of government?


I don't want to run a separate post but I'm looking to close the deal on a house tomorrow and that's taking time. There are many negatives such as it being a long way out of town and in the middle of ongoing building around the area plus some other down things. What it does have is a good sea view, is new and it's quite snug.


  1. "Feminist covens" indeed! If I wanted to join a golf club - which I wouldn't - I would object to being refused on the grounds of my gender. If law didn't have anything to do with these matters, there would be no women MPs.

  2. Good luck with the house, it being new is a definite advantage. Less running costs etc.

  3. Fine liberal sentiment James.

    Also I hope the house goes well.

  4. Becky and I will happily attend your house warming party! Good luck with it all James. You deserve it.

  5. I would object to being refused on the grounds of my gender.

    I would too, Welshcakes and I'd just refuse to join them after that. :)

    Cherie, Andrew, thanks but it's a very small deal for someone on the bottom rung here.

    Rob - :)

  6. Bottom rung or not, James, you are relatively mobile, and you may need to be in the near future.

    Take a look at the membership of the ECFR!

    You'll see links to b/bergers and a whole shooting match of idiots, - even DEMOS is there, and the Fabian organ, LSE.

    You were worried about war..........

  7. I notice Brian Eno with interest.

    Al-beeb did an interview of march in support of palestine in london last saturday.

    Eno was who they chose to interview.

    (In my day, "Eno" was a "liver salt" one drunk every morning, affected the bowels - - ironic, ain't it)

    Then there's Etienne Davignon, - dracula, and a few other b*stards, notice the Kinnock money grubber too.

    Bloggers have been left at the starting line...............

    The thing is, these b*stards make no attempt to hide their apparent agenda, but for the most part they don't know what's going on behind the curtain.....

    The CFR is moving very rapidly....

    Where's the dog toynbee though?
    In her villa in Tuscany?

  8. I don't reckon there should be any women MPs.

    Suck on that!

  9. Oh yes, I have much on Zbigniew Brzezinski. He's only dangerous in that people at the top adopt his ideas.


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