Tuesday, December 16, 2008

[blitz antimafia] in diverse città della sicilia e in toscana

This would strike the average non-Italian as par for the course:

Un maxi blitz dei carabinieri del Comando provinciale di Palermo è in corso in diverse città dell'isola. I militari stanno eseguendo 99 fermi ordinati dai pm della Direzione distrettuale antimafia. Si tratta di capimafia, reggenti di mandamenti e gregari che farebbero parte delle famiglie mafiose, coinvolti da alcuni boss palermitani in un progetto criminale che ha come obiettivo quello di "rifondare Cosa nostra".

I wanted to know where exactly they'd struck and it seems it came from Palermo and targetted all over Sicily. Hope Welshcakes wasn't arrested or didn't get caught in the crossfire but I think she's a law-abiding citizen.

Basically, the old mafia heads were trying to set up a new cosa nostra after Bernardo Provenzano fell in 2006. Interesting that the carabinieri had this success this time around. Wonder where Berlusconi was in all of this? Italian politics runs deep.

By the way, Italian is not so difficult in written form, is it? Could you get the gist of the quote above?


  1. Sorry, don't understand the lingo. More to the point, what is Lord Archer doing associating with such ruffians?


  2. as an Italian I can understand the italian bit but can't see where it says about the old and the new casa nostra! Maybe you read a longer write up but in what you posted it only talks of the arrests planned...


  3. You're right - it is in the longer links which are at the start.

  4. It would be interesting to know more about the arrests in Tuscany, the region with most Freemasons, Sicily is in second place on the masonic scale. The mafia have "good" connections with the fork tongued sinisteroids who have governed Tuscany since the end of WW2.
    With there "total control" hegemony has made it easy for them to set up a mafia money laundering operation throughout the entire region.

  5. It does seem strange that these two regions were targetted but Calabria wasn't.

    Now, given that the country is just completely corrupt ... I could give you a dozen stories ... then it appears to be more a case of not wanting any rivals from those two regions.

    This smacks of a power play at the top rather than anything altruistic.


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