Sunday, September 14, 2008

[britain today] viewed through jaundiced eyes

Credit debt fuels all this and people pretend this is quality of life.

Having only just returned some weeks ago, it's nevertheless been interesting to observe differences and similarities to the last time. Some things I took as read are just not as bad as they are painted and there have also been some nasty surprises.

First up is that almost anyone [except those with specific strikes against their names] can work if they are human enough and want to. There is a labour office downtown here, I was in there and I could be working in a factory or shop tomorrow, for a bit above the minimum wage. Without a base, that doesn't help me, as it would not cover a flat rental, even if one could get it but it is OK if you had a place already and really needed the money.

Going one rung higher, wage wise, is adult education or tutoring. This brings in CRB checks and though these are not a real worry, the lack of any history over the past few years is. At least, there is a well-documented history in my case but an unwillingness for British officialdom to accept that there is what there is.

Costs are the killer. Last time I was back, they weren't good but they seem to have gone through the stratosphere now. This puts any but the most perfunctory travel or basic food right out of the window. So this, in turn, means that unless you are well heeled, in which case you can travel the country at will, seeking your perfect role, you are stuck in one place and seeking work locally.

The perceived solution, although I do believe that the Brit knows it is no solution, is the credit card, without which you might as well be a non-person in this society.

There is very much a three tier society now - the Brownite level with their world travel and bizarre lifestyle [compared to the average Brit], the reasonably well-off with their house, cars, work and the ability to move round Britain and take holidays and then there are us.

To really fall into the dole-check, scratching an existence together life is not one anyone wants but make no mistake - we can fall into that quite quickly through a conjunction of dire circumstances. Readers of this blog are generally the middle category who have not been looking for their next tin of dogfood to survive but some correspondents to my email have been there and not so long ago.

This is frightening and to keep one's nerve is what it's all about, at a time when that is the last thing it seems possible to do. One thing I do know - that the average person I speak with is not a happy chappy about what's happening in the society and very soon, something's going to give and middle Britain is going to react quite savagely, perhaps in a way it has not done before.

I have an interesting article by Brian Walden about the war years but that was still a relatively compliant population. I think those who see us as sheep, as we've always been sheep in their eyes, are in for a rude awakening. Frodo's return to Bag End seems to be the coming scenario.

Yet the parks are still there, mums and dads bring toddlers to play on the swings, the land looks green and pleasant, the weather is not nearly as bad as many think [one can rug up], ASDA, Aldi and others have great prices which make life possible and they're not always miles from town, requiring a car. Bus rides are cripplingly expensive and the roads are clogged.

So the verdict is 50-50 at this time.


  1. I always found Britain quite expensive on my visits over the last 25 years. The pound was always very strong compared to the currency I was used to operating in and things often cost about the same in pounds as dollars.

    Coming from where you are coming from James, I imagine it would be very tough to get started.

  2. The prices have risen so much in the last few months it is quite alarming.

    Now you know why I fight so hard to win at some of my campaigns. Many of the lower grade civil servants, do not earn enough money to keep their family. They have to take on second jobs and claim benefits to be able to afford just the basics in life. And the loss of jobs and people in the area would have an effect on the whole local economy.

    About the CRB check, you only need that if you want to work with children. You could work in adult education without. Also don't forget your language skills, there is bound to be an opening for you there!

  3. think of it as building a wall brick by brick. you start with a crappy job and a crappy rented room, then bit by bit you work your way up to the job you like and pays decent money and to housing that suits you. It took me 5 years to get from nothing to a good job and nice flat. It never happens straight away so you may need to lower your sights in order to get into the job and housing ladder. If you waste time looking for the right job and right base and nothing else.........achieving your goals is gonna take a very long time. I speak for experience, best of luck.

  4. PS: a job in a factory may be crappy and lausy money but it is a start and will give you a rented room, also is easier to get from one job to another so it will help you get into the employment market.

  5. The depreciation you mention James is but the tip of the iceburger.

    Stick around, study the attitudes, qualities, etc

    I came back 7 years ago, after 10 years absence.

    First thing I noticed was all the cameras, now there's more.

    It wasn't the country I left.
    Now, it's a POS.
    And it comes from the top.

    Trying to find an exit, but scuppered temporarily.

  6. Studied these now and thanks. That last one of finding a way out. I have one - Australia but know no one there. Here there are friends and a former life. Plus there is the country itself. It feels 'home'. That is a difficulty, the emotional side.

  7. If it feels like home here you should stay.

    I know it seems daunting at the moment, but you will find work. Then as a previous commenter said you will then be able to build on that and find a job that you will be really happy doing. I am still convinced you can get a job using your language skills.

  8. I am amazed at high prices are in Britain when wages seem so low. Since as Colin says, everything which costs a dollar here costs a pound there. I commented on a UK blog about a salary on offer for a fairly good job in London, requiring a degree, which was $25,000 per year. I asked how anyone could live on that in London. I was assured that is a typical salary. It seems to me that is the definition of the "working poor" as they say.

  9. the thing is - the figures just don't add up. We've just been analysing some of them.

  10. the thing is - the figures just don't add up.

    That's right, they don't.
    That's why things are/will crash.

    And it will be a long slow grind.

    Aus is just starting to collapse, - "commodity" country.
    Real estate - crazy prices, but, - not sure how far will collapse.

    Uk worst placed.

    It feels 'home'. That is a difficulty, the emotional side.

    That's how frogs get boiled. :)

    With all you've blogged about control, etc, - why did you return?

    Visiting offer still stands.

  11. Boiling frog - we just fell about laughing over that one. Anon - you're an integral part of comments. I think I've learnt more through this stuff than much of the reading I've done. lol

  12. There is a deliberate policy followed in the US, and the UK, (I haven’t looked at Europe) of dumbing down the population through the education of children, and the media for the adult population.
    More and more quangos interfering in personal freedoms, with ever more banal recommendations, - ever more banal news casts, that seek to hide global problems, and banal programming of “entertainment”

    ”The conditioning of Modern American Society began with John Dewy, a Pschycologist, a Fabian Socialist, and “The Father of Progressive Education”. Dewy used the pschycology developed by Leipzig and Wilhlem Wundt, and believed that through a stimulus-response approach, (like Pavlov) students could be conditioned to a new social order”

    Read “The Leipzig Connection. The Systematic Destruction of American Education”, by Lionni and Klass.
    Or read the following link.

    This is a 738 page pdf and may take some time

    Google “B F Skinner” and “Skinnerian methods”

    The techniques demonstrated in the above publications have been adapted by this current Fabian/labour government in the UK. Past school exam papers are all available on line. Compare for yourselves.
    Current practice is to modulise the learning process, shallow as it is, and proceed through these modules over a period of many months.

    I can run a mile in well under 4 minutes, if I am allowed to run at intervals of 60 yards every other day over several months, but I would be useless in a proper mile run competition, as present school leavers are for current employment conditions.

    The disgusting UK Fabian State has progressively undermined the authority of parents, teachers, the police, and most other structures of civil authority, to the point where society is on the point of collapse in many areas. At the same time, the Fabian Executive have pushed through legislation that while eliminating long held freedoms of the majority, has systematically elevated the Executive beyond the reach of the laws of the land. This is all following the rules laid out in Brussels for the “rights” of EU Executives.

    Ultimately a Fabian State will be a “Failed State”, under UN current definitions, given the administration costs associated with a deliberately destabilised civil society, and the absence of industry and jobs resulting from a high taxation bureaucratic regime that administers lorry-loads of “sand” to the economic “cogs”. The nature of this failed state must necessarily be militaristic.

    And we see all these features being developed currently.

    Incompetent state structures have been put in place, at monumental expense, to substitute for the State Destroyed structures, those of the “family”, primarily, and continue to grow their legal mandate for ever more state intrusion into the personal lives of the citizens, all in the name of social cohesion, which the Fabian thought processes have set out to, and succeeded in, destroying/undermining in the first place.

    This is well planned, and has been quite deliberate, and is well outlined in many excellent blogs.

    Control, and privacy intrusion feature strongly.

    In the overall planning process, which is becoming more and more evident, the brainwashed, deliberately dumbed down sheeple will be conscripted, chipped, and killed, and will always suffer, and probably never know the reason.

    It is for this reason that ultimately the internet will become controlled, and we will be unable to speak like this. Governments in the west are working towards such ends. Freedoms are legislated away on a weekly basis.

    Now to spread the basis of thought. Consider this:-

    Eight Ideal Conditions for The Flowering of Autocracy
    The three fictional works I have described, when combined with those rare political writers who approach autocratic form from the point of view of technology (Jacques Ellul, Ivan Illich, Guy Debord, Herbert Marcuse), begin to yield a system of preconditions from which we can expect monolithic systems of control to emerge. These may be institutional autocracies or dictatorships. For the moment, it will be simpler to use the dictatorship model.

    Imagine that like some kind of science fiction dictator you intended to rule the world. You would probably have pinned over your desk a list something like this:

    [1] Eliminate personal knowledge.
    Make it hard for people to know about themselves, how they function, what a human being is, or how a human fits into wider, natural systems. This will make it, impossible for the human to separate natural from artificial, real from unreal. You provide the answers to all questions.

    [2] Eliminate points of comparison.
    Comparisons can be found in earlier societies, older language forms and cultural artefacts, including print media. Eliminate or museumize indigenous cultures, wilderness and nonhuman life forms. Re-create internal human experience—instincts, thoughts, and spontaneous, varied feelings—so that it will not evoke the past.

    [3] Separate people from each other.
    Reduce interpersonal communication through life-styles that emphasise separateness. When people gather together, be sure it is for a prearranged experience that occupies all their attention at once. Spectator sports are excellent, so are circuses, elections, and any spectacles in which focus is outward and interpersonal exchange is subordinated to mass experience.

    [4] Unify experience, especially encouraging mental experience at the expense of sensory experience.
    Separate people's minds from their bodies, as in sense-deprivation experiments, thus clearing the mental channel for implantation. Idealise the mind. Sensory experience cannot be eliminated totally, so it should be driven into narrow areas. An emphasis on sex as opposed to sense may be useful because it is powerful enough to pass for the whole thing and it has a placebo effect.

    [5] Occupy the -mind.
    Once people are isolated in their minds, fill the brain with prearranged experience and thought. Content is less important than the fact of the mind being filled. Free-roaming thought is to be discouraged at all costs, because it is difficult to control.

    [6] Encourage drug use.
    Recognise that total repression is impossible and so expressions of revolt must be contained on the personal level. Drugs will fill in the cracks of dissatisfaction, making people unresponsive to organised expressions of resistance.

    [7] Centralise knowledge and information.
    Having isolated people from each other and minds from bodies; eliminated points of comparison; discouraged sensory experience; and invented technologies to unify and control experience, speak. At this point whatever comes from outside will enter directly into all brains at the same time with great power and believability.

    [8] Redefine happiness and the meaning of life in terms of new and increasingly uprooted philosophy.
    Once you've established the prior seven conditions, this one is easy. Anything makes sense in a void. All channels are open, receptive and unquestioning. Formal mind structuring is simple. Most important, avoid naturalistic philosophies, they lead to uncontrollable awareness. The least resistible philosophies are the most arbitrary ones, those that make sense only in terms of themselves.

    An Example:-
    [3] Separate people from each other.
    Reduce interpersonal communication through life-styles that emphasise separateness. When people gather together, be sure it is for a prearranged experience that occupies all their attention at once. Spectator sports are excellent, so are circuses, elections, and any spectacles in which focus is outward and interpersonal exchange is subordinated to mass experience.

    Demonise tobacco smoking and smokers. Prohibit smoking in ALL public venues.

    At first glance, this might appear to be off topic; the connection is not immediately obvious. Please let me cite a few examples:

    A coffee house, a social gathering place, morphs into an Internet cafe, where people sit alone, at individual computers.

    Bingo parlours close, even those that provide separate, walled-off sections for smokers and non-smokers. In addition to depriving people of social interaction, it also deprives social service organisations of a source of funding.

    Witness the current demise of the English Pub The traditional/socialising - talking shop of white English indigenes. “To Let” signs everywhere.

    It creates an "us vs. them" crack in the social fabric. Instead of a non-hostile division between smokers and Non-smokers, it creates hostility between smokers and ANTI-smokers. (Smoking is bad, therefore smokers are bad people.)

    More thoughts on the ongoing indoctrination.

    Propaganda Then and Now by Gilles D'Amrey is a detailed history, with many links, of the growth of public persuasion, propaganda, from pre WW1 in the USA, through Madison Avenue, through Nazi Germany, to the current world, and casts a very bright, refreshing, educating light on how perceptions are currently manipulated.
    Be sure to explore the links here!

    ”.Sigmund Freud's nephew, Edward Bernays, took the techniques he learned in the CPI directly to Madison Avenue and became an outspoken proponent of propaganda as a tool for democratic government. 'It was, of course, the astounding success of propaganda during the war that opened the eyes of the intelligent few in all departments of life to the possibilities of regimenting the public mind,' wrote Bernays in his 1928 bombshell Propaganda. 'It was only natural, after the war ended, that intelligent persons should ask themselves whether it was not possible to apply a similar technique to the problems of peace.'"

    It would seem that the longer a political party, be it the leader, or the party, maintains its power, it becomes weaker as its own failings become more generally known, and must consequently resort to increasing levels of news suppression and politicisation of the news BushCo. and Rove INNOCULATES the United States citizens against the words that describe them, rendering our language meaningless.

    Here is an example in a recent article published in The New York Times, "Counterpoint to Unity: Dissent" (note the usage of the words Unity (Glittering Generality) and Dissent (Name-Calling):
    And This is worthy of study

    Increasingly, in fact with boring monotony, we now witness the same agenda promoting headlines in the UK. As the incumbent Fabian/Labour government becomes more reviled nationally, it too resorts to these manipulations, championed as ever by the BBC, and parroted by the Murdoch publications.

    Witness the bare faced lies and deceit over a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, by the entire cabinet, the signing of such in private by Brown and the Monarch.

    Witness the non-reporting in the media of the passage of the Lisbon Treaty through the House of Lords. The vote was carried there, on the strength of the number of Lords present who were in fact in receipt of an EU pension (Kinnock,et. Al, a long standing Fabian Society member) Anyone in receipt of an EU pension would risk loosing that pension, were they to speak against, or vote against the EU. The EU pension is not a pension therefor, but an ongoing conditional bribe.

    Study this if you wish to see corruption among the Lords, and reflect on those who allegedly represent the interests of the UK citizen

    You should now be aware of the manipulations 24/7, and 7/7, and be able to form some sort of defence.
    If you pull a false flag act, we won’t believe you

    The EU is launching a concerted attack on the UK economy, using many methods. Education and Social Engineering, outlined above.Read this

    Agriculture, through CAP, which does not favour the UK. Food production quotas deliberately struck to ensure NON production of foods to full UK capacity, so as to force UK reliance on EU imports, enthusiastically enforced by DEFRA, who report to the EU, in substance.

    Non-sense “Green Taxes”, although originating elsewhere, enthusiastically embraced by UK politicians as a useful “anti business” method of raising punitive taxes.

    Use of UK coal for energy requirements

    Here is a rather good, (yes there are some) uk blog worth visiting

    Taxation/legislative policies, drawn up in secret by ”the core” countries that will prove disastrous to the core of Britain’s’ international earnings and taxation base.
    Read this
    and alsoread this
    Read this too Anxiety in the city.

    And if you think there is some protection to be had by appeals to “The Monarchy” You should think again, carefully Explore the links on this site.

  13. Anon, I'm getting errors on the links - Not Found it says each time. Check them.

  14. If you open up the post, so it is the post with the comments underneath, the links work differently there.

    You should be able to see that in front of the interned url yours has been added too. If you click on the link and delete that part you will be able to get to the pages.

  15. Here is a list of traitors

    The Royal Family changed its name, from ”The House of Hanover” to “The House of Windsor” in 1917 to avoid “problems” during the First WW. The “House of Hanover” was itself a fabrication. The TRUE family name is SAXE-COBURG-GOTHA.
    And here is a frightening vision of the future in the UK, given the mish-mash of UK/EU contradictory priorities

    In 2007 there were many links leading to articles dealing with this subject. Not Now! They related that The Department of Education had set up the primary database, territorial exclusion zones, (staff room etc), and were the prime movers. 24/7 surveillance by the parents was also possible.
    Kids swapping jackets could screw up the system, but not as completely as the jacket spending a couple of minutes inside a switched on microwave cooker

    These are the chips that Brown intends using in ID cards, etc, tied to his mal-functioning databases.

    Finally, the EU, under pressure from Al Gore, who is actually nothing more than a puppet, has been most enthusiastic about the implementation of “Carbon Taxes”, which in turn has encouraged “Green Parties”, championed once again by the BBC, to be ever more vocal, and ever more illogical in their pronouncements.

    Here is the latest in a long line of scientific rebuttals to the false, hijacked science of the UN. Will we ever get sanity on this question?

    And curiously, despite its importance to climate modelling activities, no one from Dr Kevin Trenberths facility, the National Centre for Atmospheric Research, (NCAR) has bothered to drive four miles down the road to attend my seminar, even though it was advertised at NCAR.

    And given that virtually no research into possible natural explanations for global warming has been performed, it is time for scientific objectivity and integrity to be restored to the field of global warming research. This Committee could, at a minimum, make a statement that encourages that goal.

    These are a series of serious articles that illustrate vividly the lack of scientific reasoning behind the UN POLITICAL position on global warming.





    And the social, professional, and financial pressure exerted on scientists to conform to a prior agreed political position


    Read all the links on this blog for an excellent write up of the UN/EU/UK lies on this subject

    Principally the UK, and ultimately the EU, will be labelled ”A Post Democratic High Tech Feudalistic State, controlled by a non-elected, non-accountable, non-removable, elite. The state will comprise 85% serfs, chipped and brainwashed, with rights comparable to a middle-ages feudal society, - 10% Administrative class, with marginally better living standards, and 5% ruling elite, with more or less total freedom of action. It will take 80-100 years to free the population from this grotesque parasitic rule.

    So there you have it!


    And it is a monstrous WHY?

    Before we go any further, a point needs to be made. Under its Charter, the BBC must reflect the UK consensus opinions. Given that the current labour government is the most hated and reviled in history, you have to ask why the BBC persists in its left wing political fabian agenda, characterised by news distortions, lies and deceit?

    However, ………

    What sort of government would deliberately set out to under-educate its child population, and thereby deny the full life potential of each child?

    What sort of government would use “Skinnerisms” and other Pavlovian techniques to, effectively, destroy existing social structures and introduce a selectively downgraded Pavlovian intellectual level of education that encompasses a politically distorted view of reality?

    What sort of government would pre-set various political/social agendas, in order to establish a “consensus”, and then set out to ostracise, belittle, and exclude, those that refuse to hold that “consensus”?

    Here is a prime example of a pre-set agenda being foisted on a group of unenthusiastics, - note the major characters’ names

    What happened to free speech, when we delve into the murky reaches of religious/racial tolerance?

    Have we created a class of professional disenfranchised/offended, public purse supplicants?

    Here is the “Full text of Tony Blair’s Fabian Lecture on education at the Institute of Education
    Sponsored by the Sutton Trust, and delivered on Wednesday July 7, 2004
    Compare the words Blair uses in his Fabian Lecture, to what we know to be the truth of the UK education system. Yes, more children achieve qualifications, but the standards of those qualifications have been progressively, significantly lowered in recent years, and the time taken in achieving those qualifications has been expanded considerably through “modulerisation”
    And this deception is constantly parroted by politicians and the media – (Tell a lie often enough….)

    What sort of government would deliberately load the backs of industry, and the population, with extortionate demands for Green/Carbon taxes, thus rendering the country potentially unable to compete globally, while knowing that the science behind the whole global warming/Green/Climate Change movement was fatally flawed?

    What sort of government would apply an escalating fuel tax, at a time when global energy prices are increasing rapidly, with the result that UK fuel costs become one of the highest in the world, thus hitting the poorest families hardest with oil, food, and other basic life staples increasing rapidly, not to mention all industry and transport costs?

    What sort of government would deliberately avoid the formulation of a coherent energy policy, the lack of such leading to monumental shortages and power outages commencing in 2012, and increasing rapidly thereafter?

    What sort of government would apply, or consent to the application of, severe pressure on scientists to conform to a pre-agreed political climate change, to ensure their co-operation in adjusting the science to conform to that political agenda??

    The ideology of the Fabians can be encompassed in the famous quote, " Fabianism feeds on Capitalism, but excretes Communism ".

    Lee Kuan Yew, the first Prime Minister of Singapore, stated in his memoirs that his initial political philosophy was strongly influenced by the Fabian Society. However, he later altered his views, believing the Fabian ideal of socialism to be too impractical.

    Four Fabians, Beatrice and Sidney Webb, Graham Wallas, and George Bernard Shaw founded the London School of Economics with the money left to the Fabian Society by Henry Hutchinson.
    The decision was made at a breakfast party on 4 August 1894, and several authors maintain that the Fabian society still controls the LSE through curriculum presentation, etc.

    Geff Mulgan, ex lecturer from the LSE was a founder of Demos, a Fabian orientated think tank that operated behind the scenes as a Policy Adviser to N0.10, Tony Blair

    Julia Middleton, a trustee of Demos founded “Common Purpose”, a registered charity, funded by ODPM. Regional Slush Funds (regions set up per the EU, which will ultimately report direct to Brussels, not Westminster), for eg “Yorkshire Forward", set up and funded by ODPM, gives grants to applicants to attend Common Purpose courses. Conflict of interest?

    Take a look at the Common Purpose current trustees.

    Common Purpose, a registered charity, occupies government offices in most UK cities, - to give a quasi stamp of authority, - -illegal?, - but only runs courses for the elite, from public and private employers. – illegal under registered charities rules?

    Here is a site that exposes the full activities of Common Purpose, a registered Charity that works hand in glove with a Fabian Government.

    So where is the UK government pushing the UK population?

    What sort of government would COVERTLY set up a series of charities, with very opaque objectives, whose graduates set out to staff quangos studying political/social change/structures?

    What sort of government would organise multiple referenda involving the creation of Regional assemblies, and ignore “No” votes, and proceed with those assemblies?

    What sort of government would structure those regional assemblies EXACTLY along the geographical lines set out by the EU, exactly along the staffing lines set out by the EU, and allow those Regional Assemblies to set up offices in Brussels, as set out by the EU, and all this, - BEFORE THE APPROPRIATE TREATIES HAVE BEEN SIGNED?.

    What sort of government would make unequivocal promises in election manifestos relating to a referendum on the entry into the EU, and then in court argue that manifesto promises should not contain a degree of expectation that they would be fulfilled?

    Based on the QC acting for Brown statements, the voting population is now entitled to demand of Brown, just what promises do you intend keeping, - can we ever trust you in the future again, - your promises are worth nothing

    Christopher Edward Harle Story FRSA (born 1938) is a British writer, publisher and government adviser specialising in intelligence and economic affairs, who is best known for his collaboration with KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn on the 1995 book “The Perestroika Deception”.

    In 1963, he formed his own publishing company specialising in intelligence and founded “World Reports Limited in 1969”. Since 1970, he has edited and published “International Currency Review”
    which includes the World Bank, the Federal Reserve, and the Bank of England amongst its subscribers.

    Later, he purchased the respected “Soviet Analyst”, whose previous editors include Robert Conquest and Tibor Szamuely, due to his continued scepticism about Mikhail Gorbachev, perestroika and the official version of events in the Soviet Union.

    In May 1992, he was approached by KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn, who supported Story's analysis in “Soviet Analyst”, and handed over to Story his memoranda to the CIA, which Story edited and published as “The Perestroika Deception” in 1995.

    In 2002, Story published “The European Union Collective”, which applied his own analysis to the European Union. He is also critical of the German intelligence establishment, pointing out its Nazi origins. In his book, “The European Union Collective”, he equates the current situation in Europe to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact before World War II.

    The regional structures of the EU, the voting structures of the EU, the planned control of the EU population, all mirror exactly the USSR structure prior to the “collapse” of the USSR State

    Here is a quote from one of the most famous Fabian/Socialists of all time:_ I will merely repeat that we are at present working, discreetly but with all our might, to wrest this mysterious political force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local national states of our world. And all the time we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands....
    — Arnold J. Toynbee
    Historian, Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1931

    And the Queen having signed the Lisbon Treaty, now becomes a mere citizen of the EU, - a legal situation worth keeping an eye on!

    Energy Costs are a problem that won’t go away.
    This Fabian/Communist Government has had more than a decade to secure our energy provision. If there are three major responsibilities of government they are national security, food security, and energy security. Have they lived up to their responsibility?

    As your gas and electricity bills soared over the past years you may have been under the false impression that it was to do with climate change, or global dwindling supplies. The truth is that the government are allowing foreign suppliers to buy our own gas, and then charge us obscene prices to get it back.

    Energy prices are rising faster in Britain than almost anywhere in Western Europe because foreign suppliers are rationing our own gas. European power monopolies are effectively holding Britain to ransom and the extent of the UK's suffering was spelled out by the respected Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

    It said UK energy prices have jumped 13.6 per cent in the past year, adding huge sums to domestic bills. This compares with 9.5 per cent in Germany, 12 per cent in France and just 2.8 per cent in the Netherlands.And there are warnings that UK household bills could rise by a further 25 per cent this autumn.

    The problem stems from the fact the country is no longer self-sufficient in gas from the North Sea and has become reliant on imports during the winter.

    Foreign power firms are buying cheap North Sea gas from Britain in the summer and putting it into vast storage facilities on the Continent.

    They then refuse to pipe it back to the UK when it is needed in the winter, effectively rationing supplies and pushing up prices.

    This Fabian/Communist Government have left the UK vulnerable to these extortion-tactics because in the last 11 years they have provided us with such tiny gas holding facilities that we cannot store cheap North Sea gas in the summer for use in the winter.

    There is enough storage to supply the country with gas for only 13 days, compared with 99 days in Germany and 122 in France. Yesterday (30 07 08) large-scale gas users warned the Commons Business and Enterprise Select committee, which is investigating the reasons behind the price rises, that Britain's energy needs were at the mercy of foreign suppliers.

    If an emergency stopped gas flowing into the country today, in less than two weeks every pilot light in every home in the country would go out. In less than two weeks every gas powered electricity generating station would power down.

    Such neglect of our energy security is breathtaking.

    What sort of Government would deliberately expose the most vulnerable in the society to cost increases of essential energy that would both destroy the living standards of already hard pressured consumers, and potentially end the lives of pensioners, should the country experience a hard, cold winter?

    Sustain recently published a report “Eating Oil: Food Supply in a Changing Climate”, which found,
    Britain produces 81% of its potato consumption, 59% of its fresh vegetables, and 9% of its fresh fruit. We are 90% self sufficient in poultry, 84% in lamb, and 62% n pork, and less than 70% of our milk.
    Overall, the UK government calculates the UK is just 63% sufficient in total food supply.
    The balance overall, of 37% of UK food supply, has to be imported.
    Recent price increases in oil will greatly add to the costs of imported food, and also the cost of home-grown food that requires high energy inputs.

    What sort of government can remain, apparently, totally unaware of the effects of the arrival of “Peak Oil?”
    What sort of government can willingly allow an opaque body in Brussels to set food quotas, import quotas and import tariffs, deliberately creating an imported food dependency, to the detriment of its own population?

    We see a watered down education system producing deliberate substandard results/students, and a registered charity catering to the elite classes to further their ability to work, quote, “Beyond Authority”., with graduates therefrom, considered to be elites, infesting most quangos, and public services, at a senior level. Indeed, graduate status may well be an employment prerequisite at these levels!

    We see a complete “shadow administration” funded by ODPM, sitting at regional level, waiting for the EU starters pistol!

    We see Fabian members of the House of Lords, EU pensioners, voting for the Lisbon Treaty.

    We see government funded trials using RFID chips, in location/geographic/database activated tests on children. School based fingerprint database creation, and police based DNA database creation, and personal physician database uploaded to government national databases of all medical records.
    And all this with scant comment/debate in the supine, compliant MSM.

    Where is this going?

    I will tell you the answer to all the above “What sort of Government” questions. It is :-
    A filthy, corrupted Fabian/Communist government, intent, by any means, to deliver this country and its population, into a Communist EU structure, that mimics entirely the mid 20th century structure of the USSR, with Regions, a Centrally Planned, Command Economy, 5 year Plans, Agricultural Output Quotas, a dumbed-down, chipped, travel restricted, rights deprived, serf population.

    It Will Be a Post Democratic High Tech Feudalistic Society.

    That is where this government is going, and where the EU is going. Welcome to the EUSSR.

    This is the destruction of western education and society, all planned by governmental authorities. Denied as they are by all politicians, they are well documented, and available, and obviousand the intent goes back to pre 1931 !

  16. James.
    I don't know what happened to the links.

    I pulled the article directly from a word file I wrote a few months ago.

    Maybe that's the problem.

    Does the remedy proposed by Cherrypie work for you?

    If it does it might be quicker if you edit it.

    Sorry, - whodathunkit?

  17. If my comment is a little confusing email me James. I can work out most of those links out for you quite quickly so could send them by email. It is blogger playing silly beggars with the links!

  18. OK - worked out how - my url comes up with your link but cut my url out and yours is accessible. Weird.

  19. Think this was what Cherie was referring to.

  20. Part 2.
    Hope they work.
















    Happy reading, James, hope they work :-)

  21. That is what I meant :-) I have seen it happen before, but I have no idea how it happens!

  22. Lehman on their knees.

    Looks like no-one's buying.

    Invigorating Monday coming.

  23. More nasty brewing.

    Who is taking bets on a false flag operation that results in an "emergency" that gives Dubya and the GOP, four more years?


    Final thrashing of a hollowed out military/financial/corporate nation, and an insanely arrogant leadership?

  24. Think I'm depressed enough establishing my identity here without knowing what's coming next for the country. Patiently running through those links.


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