Sunday, August 03, 2008

[sunday cappuccino] and other things

At a time when the special "Home cooking World Music Festival" has kicked off on via Grimaldi in this town, it's time to do the film meme.

It was tough. For a start, are we talking "great" films or just "enjoyable" ones? Are we talking celebrated, historically significant or classic films or maybe those of an actor or actress we admire? The hotch-potch below is the best I could come up with, I'm afraid. In no particular order:

# Snatch - great Guy Ritchie vehicle and a multi-layered example of film making;

# Any Leslie Nielson, e.g. the 1st Naked Gun;

# Some Bonds, e.g. the first Daniel Craig one of 2007;

# Any Max von Sydow, e.g. Condor or Seventh Seal;

# Manchurian Candidate, esp. the original version with Sinatra;

# Either Twilight's Last Gleaming or The Parallax View - great film-making;

# Lord of the Rings Russian Goblin version - takes the p--s mercilessly;

# Di Nero, esp. out of character in a way - e.g. Analyse This;

# Russian "staroye kino" - old feel good films such as Queen of the Petrol Pumps or Little Red Riding Hood;

# Beluchi and Ackroyd - take your pick, e.g. Blues Brothers.
I pass this meme along to the first five people in the Mybloglog pic gallery in the sidebar. Have a lovely Sunday. It's hot here.


  1. Strange idea of who to tag I must say! Like the movies though - you see we do have a lot in common...

  2. Well I am afraid we are totally incompatible moviewise James and it seems I am out of sync with Mutley too!

  3. Mutely - good stuff. JMB - the spice of life.

  4. It's A Wonderful Life- a classic that will never age.

    The Rocky Horror Picture Show-
    Could there be a cooler/more unique musical?

    Cape Fear- The original.

    Anything by Hitchcock- a master & pioneer of his genre.

    Shawshank Redemption- Brilliant.

  5. Hmmm! my movie selection is way out of sync with this...


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