Friday, June 13, 2008

[clubs] of tammany and tin gods

You know, I’ve really started wondering about the angst and the aggro surrounding clubs.

Before I go any further, time for the disclaimer – I shall studiously try to avoid references to any specific clubs and organizations bar one and yet there seems to be a common denominator, from football to online clubs.

One of the groups I think which needed to take a long hard look at itself in the past was the Scout Organization. They had a handbook called Policy, Organization & Rules, a bureaucratic tome if ever there was one, which in turn was referred to as ‘Press on Regardless’.

What was the point? It was supposed to be a friendly, voluntary, philanthropic organization, for goodness sake. Did the pedantic language ever stop one kiddie fiddler from slipping through the net? And yet the plethora of rules seemed to give a certain type of person a certain type of security, setting up a hierarchy in which the top positions were sought after.

Yacht clubs are notorious for both those who wish to avoid all responsibility, to escape being roped into working bees and the like and those who seek the top club positions, not above a little manouvering and elbowing to climb that greasy pole.

What’s the point? Is there some sort of pleasure to be derived from resolutions and minutes of meetings and from the seconding of motions through to imposing gruelling sets of restrictions on members? Why do clubs lumber themselves with these things?

With online groups, are those who rise to the top the best ones to run the show? Are there distinct starters and runners? What’s the point of an online group? What sort of person should be allowed in and what sort should be allowed to remain?

What’s the club actually for?

I confess I don’t know – it seems that there is a moment where it seems an eminently good thing to do and then there comes the time when the damned thing should be given away because it is just bringing everyone down.

The key question I’d like an answer to is how to have a club without people posting threats about others, getting all ‘ultimatum happy’ and generally causing misery for all around. Where’s the pleasure in that?

Why would anyone wish to be part of all that?


  1. Any particular online club that you had in mind James? ;)

  2. The key question I’d like an answer to is how to have a club without people posting threats about others, getting all ‘ultimatum happy’ and generally causing misery for all around.

    Sadly this is what makes some people happy... Try and stay clear of such places is my motto but it's not that easy is it ;-)

  3. Every day one good deed. :) As mostly I do agree with the 'Steppenwolf of Yorkshire'.

    And absolutely off topic: It makes me feel good to imagine you taking the 'new step' with joy, and by discovering Modica (perhaps) discovering something you did not know about yourself.

    Raising a glass of Sicilian red on
    you, Welshcakes and ... (online-)friendship! Salute!

  4. Well I suppose everybody wants to feel like they belong somewhere. A club provides that for a lot of people.

  5. All I know is that it is not going down on my watch, if I can help it. Unless it kills me first, which is a distinct possibility. This "top dog" got left holding the bag after offering to be just a helper.

  6. I'll go further that it seems to be that where a country seems to be going through a lean patch, e.g. Britain as of now, it does tend to show through in the general all round tension. Maybe fanciful and I don't insist on it.

  7. 'I do not agree with what you say but I will defend the death your right to say it.'

    Including HOW you want to say it.

    I commit to debating all issues on the issues themselves, and not resort to personal attacks.

    I will commit to guarding the right to free speech and personal privacy of all fellow members.

    That's the purpose of such an organisition.

    To defend blogs.


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