Monday, March 03, 2008

[the oldest game] paradigm shift urgently required

A girl to fight for - a goddess in her own quiet way

The comments in the last post just have to be answered. If your model for relationships is:

There's absolutely no way I'm going to stop living the way I do until someone REALLY DOES offer me a special something. And I want to see real proof first. That's fair, isn't it?

... then this represents the modern approach [post 60s] and is ultimately doomed. All the disappointments, broken homes, divorce and the breakdown in society we see in Britain and America can be brought back to this. It's the root of hedonistic self-centredness and is the road to hell.

Everything else is just symptomatic of the core problem.

The old paradigm was for both genders to cast their net widely and pounce on the partner they'd finally decided on [The Stone Ponies' Different Drum is about this]. I'm speaking of the majority here, not the ones publicized in film.

There was a culture, based largely on the Christian ethic, which valued women's virginity as the last citadel but in effect this created all sorts of good things, especially for the woman.

This gave her true "empowerment".

What a joke that the more the Feminists have screamed since the late 60s of legislating for men to respect women, the more they gave away their best bargaining chip for that respect. I don't blame the women - I blame Them, who progressively broke down the old societal ethic and replaced it with the hedonistic selfishness you see in the quote at the top. I don't blame the quoter either - he knows no better, having grown up in the new society of undelayed gratification.

Women got this crazy idea into their heads that if they lusted for Money and Power, just as the men did, this would give them Independence and Equality and would force men to Respect them. Ha! Do men respect them more today? The hell they do.

The old paradigm ran like this: Kids were brought up to have respect, love their neighbour and all that. There was a culture of "delayed or deferred gratification", in other words - self control.

So, Steve got it bad for Susie and did all sorts of romantic things to come onto her, as did Bob, Paul and John. She was the centre of a whole lot of boys' attentions and could pick and choose, let this one in this far, let that one in not so far and so on. In other words, there was respect and she ran the show.

Do you prefer to see it all up front or would you rather have to imagine what's underneath her elegant halter top and plan how to get inside it? [Photo courtesy Beaman's Bazaar]

The boys knew they had to play her game and her refusals trained them how to respect women. It didn't occur to them to just rape her - there was a slight fear of her inaccessibility.

Her mother used to advise her that her greatest power was in using her bargaining chip and it was tough to do because she'd fall in love and want to give it all to him straight away.

Now the mother seems not to give any advice to the daughter.

Steve and his mates want to bang so they gather the girls whom they know say yes and they overnight party. Susie has no choice but to go along with it or else be marginalized from the group and with the addition of porn at the flick of a switch she has to go further and further now, earlier and earlier.

The girl who says no these days is marginalized and not wanted - she knows the ground rules are that she must bang and she's grown up with no constraints on giving it all away. It's even becoming group in the living room. Don't ask how I know.

It's a boys' paradise and she's lost all empowerment she's deluded enough to think she might have. What a joke that women are trumpeting about equality and how the woman chained to the kitchen had no power, when the truth is the opposite - she has zero power today, zilch, nikto.

Do I wish to see women chained to the kitchen again? Hell no - I want them to regain their real empowerment as desirable and mysterious people, not the pseudo-empowerment they're bent on today. A Real Woman can have all the power she desires, just by being a real woman. She needs no legislation.

To return to the quote at the top - wanting to see the real proof first.

How on earth can there be any sort of real proof or any relationship when it's all about self-fulfilment and nothing about fulfilling the other person? What long term chance has any relationship got where both are judging the other against a check list of whether the other "satisfies" them?

And you mean, Boyz, you can't find proof unless you've banged a girl? Where have your antennae gone? Where are your receptors? This is the Viagra mentality - that satisfaction in a relationship is tied only to the bang. To hell with Friendship, Romance and Love - the Bang is god.

More fool her for giving it away like that. Poor kid if she's grown up in this culture.

Unless she becomes rich and famous, [and how many girls dream dreams of this elusive power they'll never have], she has only herself to negotiate with and now comes the joke on her. The more she's slept around and given the boys all they wanted, the less they'd consider even looking at her as a long term partner. She'll cheat throughout a marriage.

And the joke that you have to sleep with many men to know which one you want - oh really? You can't tell that by kissing and cuddling then keeping him hanging on? Tiberius Gracchus just ran a post on a girl who kept a king hanging on for seven years.

No one ever said she was beautiful. She just played the game, the love arts, to their maximum. She made herself exotic, desirable.

Where the hell has romance gone? Why are the words 'gentleman' and 'lady' mocked today?

Ditto our Susie, who plays it cool and rations out her charms - she ends up with the biggest prize because it isn't her Paris Hilton star quality they respect but Her herself. She has Self-Respect and demands that anyone who is going to sample her wares is going to have to give.

And not money but they have to give themselves. The poorest peasant girl can be rich beyond rubies. No riches in the world can buy this. The lady in this article said beautifully what I'm trying to.

In other words, she makes herself into a Real Prize. Other girls with less self-respect can play the town tart but she's the Princess on the Pedestal, the one all the boys would have if only they could, if only she would.

That's why hundreds and hundreds of kissed girls in my life have translated into just six women I've eventually had [so far]. It's the Groucho Marx approach - please accept my resignation, I don't want to enter any vagina which will openly accept me.

Or, to put it even more crudely as they did in Puberty Blues, "Hey, I don't want to go slops," to follow the well worn path to her shaved garden, to get stuck in peak hour traffic.

And the number of women measuring their true value by the number of men they've laid - is this low or is this low? A woman speaking of her lovers [plural] - ugggh!. Does she feel that numbers confer some sort of kudos on her or does it seep into her brain that perhaps it turns good men off?

The thrill is in the chase. The bang at the end should be just the confirmation - does the tail wag the dog? Still, it has to be done well - lousy coffee after a top meal is a let down - but the whole package is the pleasure. To mix metaphors - do you eat the icing from the cake first or the cake first and then the icing?

I mean - for crying out loud - today you only have to take her to a cafe, do a bit of dancing and she's in the sack or on the living room floor. Who needs it? And who was into her last night when she wasn't answering the phone?

The way she dresses too. If she shows her open cleavage - big deal. I've seen it all before. But if she hides her breasts then I can only dream what they'd be like to kiss and I plan to find out. If she lets it all hang out with her open top and hipsters - yawn. But if she goes all coy, then bells ring - I want in and I want in now!

Where's the old challenge gone where you had to plan out a military campaign on her to break her down step by step? Where's her resistance these days? Where's the chivalry gone? Why doesn't she expect the doors to be opened for her anymore, the cloak to be laid in the puddle so she can step across it?

My white armour is in the cupboard rusting and my trusty steed is nibbling grass in the backyard. They haven't been needed for years.

The paradigm needs to shift right back again so that a culture exists where men don't know every square centimetre of a girl's anatomy from internet porn but would really like to unravel her mysteries. There has to be some sort of Mystery again which forces men to act out of respect and [temporarily] unrequited lust. The more modestly a girl dresses, the more elegantly, the more I want her so badly.

For goodness sake, girls - don't you want the men to fight over you anymore? Are you so far into your own sexual hunger that you've lost all self-respect?

For your eyes only - if you treat me right. Who's the Prize here - Roger Moore or Carole Bouquet?

And guys - wouldn't you prefer a girl with you who was hard-won and every man and woman around knows you have an absolute prize looking into your eyes who gives it only to you? The Carole Bouquet principle: For Your Eyes Only.

Am I off the planet in valuing these things?


  1. The proof I was actually referring to, was proof that they can fit into my life in a way which tessalates with everything else.

    They should fit nicely and symetrically into it, and necessitate no disruption.

    They should not affect any other areas of it in a negative way.

    What I mean is, trust has to be earned, and I think that's fair.

  2. This is not directed at you, Crushed. This is directed fairly and squarely at the girls and asking for a paradigm shift.

  3. Excellent post. It's nail on the head. You've described exactly the way my girlfriend behaves -- in the good way.

    She made me work so god damn hard to get her that by the time I did I was her's forever.

    She still keeps me on my toes and we've been together for 3 years.

    People forget that you have to work at relationships and that it's not always perfect.

    You also have to make sacrifices. If you're not willing to give certain things up your relationship is doomed to fail.

  4. Yes Rob - my goodness. If she's a dream to have with us, won't we work so hard to ahve her and keep her there?

    And if she gets the idea she could lose us too, all the better. If both stay on their toes, it's good stuff.

  5. This is true, there is a lot to be said for making a man work for it. The longest relationship I have encountered was the one where I didn't make it quite so easy for him. The level of intimacy and trust we share now makes everything seem doubley worth while.

    But it's not just women who need to change, men need to re access their attitudes as well here.

  6. Yes they do need to, Bunny and their attitude is that the chick gives. Now where did that disrespect come from? From a culture where girls give it all away.

    You said it yourself.

    Two basic principles - one she treats her vagina as her citadel and two - the primary motive is to make the other person happy first.

  7. I am glad I don't live in this age. Well, obviously I do but I mean I am not on the prowl for a mate.

    I am happy to be a woman and I believe myself to be the equal of any man. On the other hand I use my feminity and sexuality to my advantage when necessary. They are part of me and I don't see anything wrong with that. Husband will vouch for the fact that I usually get what I want! We love and trust each other and that gives me a security that allows me to flirt too. Flirting is fun!

    We'll have been married 30 years in June and the sex just keeps getting better!

  8. Great stuff, Liz - that's exactly it. The flirting is the breath of fresh air but you don't intend to bed them - you go home and do that.

    So, so sorry for the modern girl.

  9. Whilst I don't agree with a lot of what you are saying, there is a certain level in which I agree that many women adopt a very flawed approach.

    It's about giving the other person space, respecting the boundaries they choose to erect and actually making the other person feel comfortable in trusting you.

  10. "Treats her vagina as a citadel"? Blimey! Surrounds it with soldiers and a moat mayhap? Sticks a flag in it? Encourages local villagers to shelter there in times of conflict...?

    In all seriousness where does the idea come from that there was some sort of golden age in the recent or not so recent past? Victorian England where women couldnt inherit and London was full of child prostitutes? The fifties where a woman having a child out of wedlock (interesting word...) could be sent to a mental hospital for ever? Interred with the disabled in insitutions run by sadists? The Jersey Child home scandal is a nice blast from that past isn't it?

    Maybe earlier times - but hang on -marriage as such didnt really exist before about 1830 or so - at least not for the poor. My own grandmother was an unregistered birth - about 1900 or so, 70 years after compulsory registration... she had no known parents as such..

    I just don't buy any of this Mr H, it an idealistic romantic fantasy.

  11. Well, bless my inflatable daffodil, here we go again! Whatever makes you think the feminists were "lusting for money and power?" We only wanted equality of opportunity and what the hell is wrong with that?! We have to be "mysterious" now, do we? And just how do you define a "real woman"? Your sentences about the cleavage prove it - a woman just can't win. I see quite a lot of cleavage displayed on this blog but "real women" are not supposed to show any, is that it? Gawd!!!!!!
    With the greatest reapect to Liz, whom I regard as a friend, it's just not the same for unmarried women: we can't get away with flirting in the same way because a man might think we mean it, and then he'd be off - wouldn't he, James?
    It must be very nice to be all warm and protected within that magic club called marriage but some of us have to fend for ourselves. Your younger female commenters , again with respect, cannot remember a time when a woman couldn't get a mortgage, for instance and that's the kind of thing we were fighting for.
    I'm rather glad I have to go to work or I'd be on this comment all day. I'm just going to scream some more first.

  12. Yes Mutley, the examples you give existed in society but have little to do with the overall ethic which underlay the society. Rampant divorce, kids with no direction, drugs and so on existed but nowhere like today - there's no ethic to stop it today.

    Girls who make big money for themselves are few. Most have either their brains or bodies to work with.

    With the latter, they run a better chance of a good deal by rationing out the charms and that's what grandmothers and mothers used to teach their daughters.

    Crushed - your second paragraph is correct too.

    Welshcakes - there's a difference between saying, "Here it is, boys, come and get it," and being just a little coy at first. A woman can be just as attractive without letting it all hang out - more so in fact, except for those ruled by gonad fever.

    That's the basis of French dressing - to reveal a little here and there.

    Are you angry that I want girls to be more clever how they go about it or more that I mentioned the dreaded F word? The damage Feminism has done is incalculable in terms of social cohesion. Many, many women are saying this too.

  13. I'll continue to wear t-shirts and baseball caps to the gym - its mens smiles that make me feel good, not their ogles. If only all girls knew they could flirt and attract men fully dressed. Interesting post indeed.

  14. 1st lady - you're the type of woman I'm talking about. I would venture to say you'd be pretty irresistible and if I had a chance with either you or a piec of totty, no prizes for which I'd try my luck with.

    Welshcakes - we'e had this before about the early [f]eminists who were correcting abuses and they did a sterling job. I was referring here to the [F]eminists who have hijacked the whole thing.

  15. James, many of the women who are saying it don't remember life before the reforms. I've also said before that I think feminism has let single women down. I just get angry because women can't win: you would surely agree there's a dichotomy between the images of women which are pushed at us and how you all give the impression you want us to be and the way you really want us to be. Of course we should leave something - or many things - to the imagination in dress. That's just elegance, for one thng. When you coming round for a risotto?

  16. I think you have over-simplified some of the issues here James. Also misunderstood what forms the motivations of young women today in their sexual choices, which I observe are more imposed upon them than they themselves realise. Please take a look at this :

    A Middle-Aged Princess Grows Up

  17. Treat them mean to keep them keen, that's the secret I have been told. I'm glad I'm married and don't have these worries any more.

  18. James, I think I just despair of you and your attitude regarding women.

    There was a culture, based largely on the Christian ethic, which valued women's virginity as the last citadel but in effect this created all sorts of good things, especially for the woman.

    This gave her true "empowerment".

    Where's the old challenge gone where you had to plan out a military campaign on her to break her down step by step?

    So are you promoting virginity on the one hand but then she has to play hard to get but ultimately succumb to your " charms".

    A woman speaking of her lovers [plural] - ugggh!. Does she feel that numbers confer some sort of kudos on her or does it seep into her brain that perhaps it turns good men off?

    But it's OK for a man, namely you, to announce it on his blog. Can she do it on her blog? Is that OK?
    So you are saying that there never were any unwed mothers or pregnant brides before the era of feminism, she asks innocently. I remember that well, not.

    I believe that everyone is entitled to figure out their own take on sex, in marriage, out of marriage, in a committed relationship, free love, but I definitely see a schizophrenic attitude put forth in this post.

    Oh and don't forget that Anne held out on Henry for seven years to get the ultimate prize. To be queen and even she did not hold out to the end, another pregnant bride.

  19. Yes Mutley, the examples you give existed in society but have little to do with the overall ethic which underlay the society. Rampant divorce, kids with no direction, drugs and so on existed but nowhere like today - there's no ethic to stop it today.

    Well I will have one more bite back if I may. I am sorry for the citadel bit that was just being silly my main point is that no such ethic existed in the past. It might have in theory but the poor were in reality just brutalised and the rich just hypocrites. There was little divorce amongst the poor because they died before they had the chance and any way formal marriage as such did not really exist. Kids had no problem with direction because there was nothing to choose. Work in a shit dangerous job or starve - basically. Or if in London or another big city become a whore and get a fatal disease. The enthusiasm amongst the poor to join the army and fight in 1914 was because they actually had a choice for once, to do something that seemed important and valuable. Dying in a trench was better than normal life.. Women were just domestic slaves and men were well... just slaves.

    I believe that the free imprecise chaotic open society we live in today in the UK is the best and freest and most humane society that has ever existed...and the relationship between the sexes the best that has ever existed anywhere and at anytime in human history...

  20. ...James, I think I just despair of you and your attitude regarding women...

    JMB, I can see where you're coming from.

    ...So are you promoting virginity on the one hand but then she has to play hard to get but ultimately succumb to your " charms"...

    No - she should realize the value of the bargaining chip she has, that's all. If she squanders it, she can't then turn around and complain about not being respected, which is the N1 complaint of young women about the male, closely followed by not being listened to.

    I'm the first to blame us, the males, that our attitudes are not great but women have to learn to take some responsibility too, rather than putting the blame all on the male. You say:

    ...I believe that everyone is entitled to figure out their own take on sex, in marriage, out of marriage, in a committed relationship, free love ...

    They are, yes but then girls turn round and complain about the state of affairs. OK - here's one of the solutions. Tighten up on their best bargaining chip and the attitudes of boys must, by definition, change.

    But this can't be just one girl. It needs the whole culture reworked to go back to some sort of ethic which at least promotes modesty which, despite detractors in these comments, very much did exist amongst most people of middle class earlier and allowed relations to be by and large stable.

    You can find any number of exceptions but I'm referring to what was the majority situation earlier and it was not free-love.

    ...I definitely see a schizophrenic attitude put forth in this post...

    You certainly see a dichotomy.

    1 The female form is not a turn-off and I'm not going to get upset at Theo, for example. I don't run "totty" but there's certainly been a liberal supply of beauty on this blog.

    2 My personal liking is for intelligent women with a bit of class and a refined seductive technique and I'll continue to push this model of womanhood here.

    3 My concern for all women as people says that:

    a. opening up the issue of societal pressure on girls to give it away early and how it disempowers them;

    b. joining an increasing number of women really concerned how Feminists are turning women into misandrists rather than trying to come to an understanding with men;

    c. actually caring what happens to women and girls as people, a long term theme on this blog ...

    ... that's something the male should concern himself with and this blog does.

    I see no reason I shouldn't tell the truth on this blog about what is happening - it's always been a free-for-all where people give it their best shot.

    My working life is separate though and save for the shots of my group which people have seen in recent days and which reportedly the girls liked, the two don't mix.

    ...Oh and don't forget that Anne held out on Henry for seven years to get the ultimate prize...

    Yes she did and it's a good example of what can be done if one puts one's mind to it.

  21. Mutley - you think girls being turned into totty or party whores, rampant drugs, forced prostitution [particularly Eastern European], the darkness of the music and general culture today, the ennui ammongst the young which even they are complaining about, divorce out of control, people single through being unable to get along any more is "the best and freest and most humane society that has ever existed".

    Interesting take.

  22. Welshcakes - don't tempt me with that risotto. Away, temptress. Wish I could get over there though. :)

  23. Mutley - you think girls being turned into totty or party whores, rampant drugs, forced prostitution [particularly Eastern European],

    At a risk of being a fisker - I see girls and young women enjoying an open and happy sexuality with enthusiasm choice and safetey... not totty or party whores. Unless you have some moral or religious imperative against free sex why would you not do it? Its hard to judge drug use but if you include alcohol its probably lower today than say Victorian England which had legal cocaine, heroin and cannabis use as well as Gin at twopence a gallon... As for forced prostitution - its very rare in the form you suggest, unlike the past where child prostitution was normal- read for example the Victorian 'erotic' novel "Walter" , and its mostly the result of economic circumstances in Eastern Europe - not moral decrepitude.

    the darkness of the music and general culture today, the ennui ammongst the young which even they are complaining about,

    Well I am a fisker *grins* - I just don't see darkness in modern music - I am sure you can find ten thousand examples of it but I would contend most modern music thats popular is still love songs. Some of the most achingly beautiful music ever has been written in the past few years... and if there is ennui it is born of affluence Mr H, what would you prefer? The war that killed a whole generation? The suicides of gay men? The whole foul cramped hypocritical and oppressive system which has thankfully gone? This is a Brave New World.... and we must be brave to live in it. Viva Freedom!

    divorce out of control, people single through being unable to get along any more is "the best and freest and most humane society that has ever existed".

    Interesting take

    Yep I definitely prefer the society we have today to any that has existed anywhere and at any time in human history. Far less oppression, violence, crime, slavery, disease, poverty and evil than ever before. Its far from perfect but its a million times better than the reality of the past .

  24. Far less oppression, violence, crime, slavery, disease, poverty and evil than ever before.

    Mutley, what planet are you on? those things are vastly worse today than earlier.

  25. The vagina as citadel I think is a little off. Today's modern woman thinks of her goodies as gold-plated.

    Look, there's nothing wrong with some of the ideas of the original feminists. Equal opportunity, check. Equal pay for equal work, check. The right to own property, check (I'm still having a hard time believing that one was necessary, but I include it just in case). The right to a healthy sexuality, check.

    The thing that gets me about feminism, though, is what it has become. All of the things listed above are absolutely commonplace these days. In fact, women are treated preferentially to men in the above. Far, far preferentially. So what the heck?

    Feminists got the reforms they wanted, but, like today's woman, they were never satisfied. "As long as this is working so well, let's see just how far we can push this. Must...Have...More....!"

    There is a ginormous difference between being comfortable with your body and confident in your sexuality, and showing everyone everything and screwing everyone you take a fancy to. The first is a strong, secure, attractive woman. The second is a slut. If you want to be a slut, that's fine with me, but don't go expecting to be treated with respect.

    Women do use their sexuality. There's no doubt about it; we do it when we aren't even aware of it. I can remember years ago, I was part of a group who wanted some information from someone, who happened to be a man. I really don't remember the details, but I was one of the few females in the group. One day I presented them with the wanted information. They were astonished and wanted to know how I had gotten it. "I asked him", I said. They just shook their heads, saying, "Of course! You just asked him..." I had no idea at the time. But things have always been easier for me because I'm a woman. Admit it, ladies, it's true for you as well.

    When I hear the whining that still goes on, it makes me grind my teeth. When will it be enough? Will it be enough when men are allowed to do only manual labor and donate sperm? What do we do with them when they get too old to do that? Soylent Green, anyone?

    I don't know about you, but I don't want to spend my senior years living amongst a bunch of spoiled whiny women. The gold will have worn off the vagina by then. What will you do, ladies, when the younger generation figures out that there's NOTHING WRONG with being female, and being different, and they treat men the way they should be treated. Where do you think the men will be then?

    If I were you, I'd start stocking up on kitty litter now. You're going to need it.

  26. Darn it, James! That demands a blog post! *kellymac goes off to write*

  27. Very interesting debate going on, I guess it really boils down to what each individual wants from life ;-)

  28. I don't have the way with words that you do James and I can't just fling back an intelligent rebuttal to all that you have said, but it seems to me that you are advocating a double standard in your post.

    You also seem to be advocating game playing on the part of women. Use sleeping with a man as a bargaining chip. This is just so wrong and thank heavens that attitude is gone. (Incidentally my point on Anne was that she wanted to be queen!!!!! She could have been his mistress as his sister and others were but being queen was her goal.)

    What allowed women to be as sexually free as men already were was the invention of the oral contraceptive. Yes women have been promiscuous from the beginning of time, even using sea sponges soaked in vinegar or lambskin condoms or arbortive herbs or.... But freedom from pregnancy associated with sex gave every woman the choice to decide on her sexual mores. Just like men.

    Feminism had nothing to do with this change, although freedom from pregnancy did happen at the same time as the rise of feminism. Do you think women are all sheep doing what a few feminist leaders told us to do? Each of us is quite capable of making up her own mind thank you. If they followed an idea it was because they wanted to do it themselves and saw nothing wrong with it.

    Now you made this statement:
    I've crossed the line with maybe 90, slept with maybe twenty but I've gone that last step with 6.

    I don't actually understand the nuances there but am I to understand that if you meet someone you wish to establish a relationship with and they made the same announcement to you, that you would totally reject them, be totally turned off as you say? For again you said:

    A woman speaking of her lovers [plural] - ugggh!. Does she feel that numbers confer some sort of kudos on her or does it seep into her brain that perhaps it turns good men off?

    Now is this not a double standard? Would you like them to lie about it or just keep mum? Or be totally inexperienced?

    It reminds of the well documented regency days when the young bucks sowed their wild oats but at 30 it was time to get married. So who did they marry? Why the 18 year old virgins in their first season, of course!

    Although one would say I am a very conventional women sexually speaking, I'm not at all judgmental of people's sexual mores unless they are exploitive and count among my close friends longterm unmarried couples, an unmarried mother with a 26 year old daughter, even a middleaged homosexual.

    But I don't go around advocating one thing for men and another for women. So I guess that's what I see as a big problem with your post.

    Well I know we will never see eye to eye on this topic but I think you have some pretty woolly thinking yourself sometimes on the subject while I'm sure you think I am totally off the wall.

    You know you can't put the genie back in the bottle, don't you James?

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. "I want them to regain their real empowerment as desirable and mysterious people, not the pseudo-empowerment they're bent on today. A Real Woman can have all the power she desires, just by being a real woman. "

    What on earth does desirable and mysterious mean?! And what s a real woman?!

    And aren't you generalising a bit? I've never slept around.

    I've always been exceptionally fussy. He would need to be my equal, no less. By that I mean I saw girls my age going out with people just cos they were asked, without thinking about whether they liked them- not because they were promiscuous but because their self esteem was so low they didn't stop to think or realise they had a choice. I would ask them, why are you going out with him? And they would say, 'Because he asked.' LIke it was doing them a favour.

    I've always hated 'being chatted up'. A good, intelligent conversation with someone who was kind and had good manners- now THAT would have me doe-eyed. But such a catch was hard to find....

    I've just turned 40 and have had 4 relationships before my partner, who is also my fiance. THat's 5 in total, since the age of 15. I'm intelligent and not unattractive. But it has taken about 35 years to think that. It is still hard to say something nice about myself. It's hard to type it too.

    In the 1990s, working for a London Stockbroker, I was told at an interview "I think you'd be great for this job and there is only one problem really. You'd be a female supervisor on a department of 9 men." Despite assuring them it wouldn't be a problem, that I was used to male-dominated offices, I was shown the door.

    Like it or not, it was never an ambition of mine to be mysterious and desirable. My only ambition has been to fulfill my potential.

    SO what's a 'real' woman?

    I've never wanted kids so I don't fit into the mother pigeonhole. I've never been into frilly dresses, so I miss the feminine one too. And as I said, I don't drink and sleep around.

    Trouble is, society likes to pigeonhole people, so peeps like me don't really fit in. I long for the society in which I do.

    Oh, and as for divorce, I'm glad that it's easier now- rather that than a marriage like my parents'- 'staying together for the children'. Since their divorce I've been priviledged to watch my mother blossom, independent, and happier than ever.

  31. Kelly Mac - so glad you came ovedr because your take is important.

    Women do use their sexuality. There's no doubt about it; we do it when we aren't even aware of it.

    Absolutely and we use ours. That's what the stats on hundreds of kisses yet 6 all the way partners was about. There's a huge difference as the French know and with a French woman friend, I'm heavily influenced by this.

    I argued perhaps clumsily that you're more sexy in using it judiciously or not even trying. It didn't come over well and I'll have to restate it in another post.

    JMB - I don't know if you deliberately misread my comments or just latch onto the wrong parts and interpret the part rather than the whole but you have this amazing capacity to draw the wrong conclusion from what was said.

    ....You also seem to be advocating game playing on the part of women....

    I'm advocating using one's charms more judiciously because it is more effective. But this is secondary to the main point that there is enormous pressure on girls, as distinct from women, to give it all early - even in school. That pressure is brought to bear by the boys who themselves are susceptible due to gthe breakdown in society which Mutley denies.

    As Kelly Mac says - women use their sexuality and why not? But using the vagina and using your charms are two completely different things.

    Feminism - Kelly Mac said it again - the early gains no one argues about but even you admitted, JMB, that Feminism with a capital F was hijacked and became bash men without end.

    ....You know you can't put the genie back in the bottle, don't you James?....

    I can't, no but society has a way of swinging back. I just suspect it will take decades to get this one back and I'm not sure we can wait that long.

    I see a Russian people still devastated by tghe Stalin years and
    wonder how it could have been prevented too.


    ....What on earth does desirable and mysterious mean?! And what s a real woman?!...

    Kelly Mac stated it and you supported it by your own words in your comment. She and you are Real Women who do it as it seems natural to you.

    ....Trouble is, society likes to pigeonhole people, so peeps like me don't really fit in. I long for the society in which I do....

    This is all I want for the girls - not to be railroaded into a particular behaviour like having to give it away early.
    Helena - absolutely too.

  32. ....There is a ginormous difference between being comfortable with your body and confident in your sexuality, and showing everyone everything and screwing everyone you take a fancy to. The first is a strong, secure, attractive woman. The second is a slut. If you want to be a slut, that's fine with me, but don't go expecting to be treated with respect.... [Kelly Mac]

    Precisely, KM.

  33. Thank you so much for your contributions and this discussion now transfers to this post:

    Comments continue here

    I'll now close off comments here.
