Friday, March 07, 2008

[march 8th] international women's day

[To Guzel, Masha and Tanya - I promised to say hello so here it is. S nastupayeshem, dyevchonki. S prazdnikom!]

Please check this post as well, by Nunyaax. She puts it nicely.

Tomorrow, March 8th, is International Women's Day and Wiki says:

In some celebrations, the day lost its political flavour, and became simply an occasion for men to express their love to the women around them in a way somewhat similar to Mother's Day and St Valentine's Day mixed together.

Oh what a wonderful thing that, over here, the day still retains its proper meaning, that it is still about men's celebration of the woman instead of International Misandry Day.

While western Feminists have now succeeded in alienating most of the masculine gender to a state of unreasonableness through their overt misandry in the past few decades, here the day is one of softness and kindness. Whilst in the west, it's a U.N. sponsored Fem-fest of "look how we've managed to skewer men", here it's a day of gifts and flowers and lots of lovemaking.

To the girls today, I quoted the exact words of one western lady at this site, expressing surprise that men would have anything to do with it tomorrow and they were shocked. The whole idea of it, in Russian women's minds, is for the men to pay homage and be there in a very real sense.

Despite the patriarchal society and very real abuses, most women, especially the young, do love the menfolk although they get frustrated. It's love/hate, ragther than just spiteful hate.

We had our little celebration this evening, the girls and I and now I'm sad because they've gone - I walked one girl to the station turn-off in the falling snow and it looked lovely on her jacket. She was so amenable, I was so amenable but it clearly couldn't be so it was left at that.

The Pyramid was lovely too and "she " was there.

On the way home in the car, I asked the driver, 'You ready for tomorrow?' He smiled and in that smile was recognition that women rule for these three days. The fireworks started some thirty minutes ago.

Real issues - a modest proposal

I'd really like men to get some sort of organization together - a sort of reverse Kelly Mac, supporting oppressed women, contributing to women in countries where they are the underdog [as distinct from the west where they shrilly rule the roost], booting out all this talk of "rights" and "all men are rapists" and such guff and reinstating love for women, sharing domestic responsibilities without being asked and re-establishing the true relation between the genders - complementary, tuned to each other and wanting only the best things for the other.

This might have some chance. While the current insanity continues with Feminists demanding, in an ever-escalating stream, to rule the very planet, it has absolutely no chance with men.

Imagine it - a Kelly Mac group doing their darndest for men and a Pro-Women men's group doing their darndest for the women. Then, in a cross-over dialogue [and there truly would be dialogue here in a very real sense] the men would be amenable to the girl's suggestions. It would only be to their advantage to listen.

This Pro-Women men's group would then try to present models and paradigms to our own gender and get some sort of repair job done on the Feminist devastation of the past few decades, while Kelly Mac's group could work on her sisters to get some sort of realism into their approach.

I'm the first to admit that at the point I came over here, my attitude was pretty bad but these twelve years I've been on a learning curve and have started to understand what a woman is truly about. This is the sort of thing we need.


Congratulations to all women and girls and may only good things come to you in the next year.


  1. I have to agree feminism is ugly, I get to see more than enough of it in my TU circles. And equally in some countries women are treated in appalling way by men!

    It would be nice if men and women treated each other equally. I don't really understand the domination mentality!

  2. Oh, my. I don't know what to say. I'm just a woman with a rather unusual background who feels rather strongly about injustice. So I speak out, and will continue to do so for as long as I am able. Thank you for the recognition :)

    Your idea is a beautiful one, but I'm afraid it's a pipe-dream. Men are leery, because they stood behind women before, and look what happened. Women are leery because they believe if men had their way, we'd all be barefoot, pregnant, and chained to the stove.

    We live in a sad, sick culture, my friend. The best we can hope for is to persuade the ones who are still on the fence. Here's hoping it will eventually be enough.

  3. Agreed, Cherie. Kelly Mac thinks it's a pipe-dream but I'd like to think, on a micro-level, if not in any organized form, each couple can get it right.

  4. I had never heard of Woman's Day until I heard about it here...I don't think they do that here.

  5. I don't think it is a pipe dream and I know it can work more than just one on one.

    Organised maybe not but if it works with the people you know, they will think and say to their friends and that is how ideas grow!

  6. I think it is a great idea and am all for it. Personally I'm sick of hearing all the man bashing going on and know that I'm not the only woman who feels this way.

  7. ....reinstating love for women, sharing domestic responsibilities without being asked and re-establishing the true relation between the genders - complementary, tuned to each other and wanting only the best things for the other.

    Amen to that. May all misunderstandings between the sexes be eliminated and both men and women be allowed to fulfill their potential unfettered.

  8. Helloo..

    A nice discussion on the ever prominent Male-Female equality issue.

    Bretwalda..the valentine's day - Mother's day combination sounds gr88..!

  9. Sorry but I have always celebrated it and I don't see that it ever became a "Misandry Day," There's nothing wrong with celebrating women's achievements and I never noticed men being excluded from it.

  10. Sorry but I have always celebrated it and I don't see that it ever became a "Misandry Day," There's nothing wrong with celebrating women's achievements and I never noticed men being excluded from it.

    Ah, but imagine if you will "International Men's Day". I can see hordes of picketing women and men protesting the celebration of rape. I know all men aren't rapists. I know most men aren't rapists. I know women rape, too. That's completely irrelevant. To the hate movement known as "political correctness", the only thing keeping every penis-bearer from forcibly raping the nearest woman is the fact that it's against the law.

  11. I think you know which of these comments are closest to my outlook. :)


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