Sunday, December 16, 2007

[eu juggernaut] for better or worse

Had a most dispiriting experience from an unexpected quarter yesterday.

Asking a friend over here what he thought of the elimination of Britain as an entity and in particular, England, via the Constitution signed during the week by the Traitor Brown [I didn't use that description of course], he flatly denied it had happened because the BBC had not covered it ad nauseam, the way they'd covered, say, the Arafat Funeral.

He gets BBC World News via cable.

Therefore the issue doesn't exist. Whoa! Where to start on the MSM agenda, its ownership and its slant on issues? When we got down to it, his reason for the flat denial was that in the west there is, in his eyes, a vibrant, working democracy where democratically elected leaders carry out democratically approved decisions and though there might be minor problems, his over here are vastly bigger.

A smiling Britain is clearly cheering Brown on and welcoming the EU with open arms. And his clinching argument was that Britain has 70% exports and that I couldn't deny that that was so.

I'm afraid I didn't handle this well and hurriedly concluded the phone conversation.

Later in the day, another chap, a businessman who's been living in Europe this past year, visited and over coffee we discussed the same issue.

Different mentality. Though he's Russian and wouldn't be averse to Russia being brought into the EU economic space [a common view over here], he described two separate direct dealings with the EU and he was far from impressed with the way they operated. He called it "arrogance" and "high-handedness".

I asked: "And how about inefficiency?"

He reflected then added: "Da, da." We both agreed it was a bureaucratic mentality, a mentality which doesn't admit of entrepeneurship but only of compliance with rafts of regulations where one is lost in an ocean of paperwork and Bureauspeak.

Rather than flatly denying that what had happened to Britain had happened, he asked me to explain and this is what I said:

"By signing that Constitution -"


"That's an issue too - it's a Constitution by any other name. But yes, by signing this "Treaty", a Scot effectively and simultaneously has signed away both England's status as a nation and Britain's sovereignty, in real terms, as anything more than a region of the EU, slowly to take effect over the next 13 years.

For that Scot and many other Celts too, that was a great thing - revenge for the '45, for the castles in Wales and so on."

At this point I gave a potted history of Britain, neither exonerating the Anglo-Saxons either for Cromwell nor the Highland Clearances and zeroing in on Fields of Athenry. Don't forget my mother's side is Celtic.

"But even so, why would the Britons sit back and invite in the "EU monster", as you call it?"

"That's historic too. One of their leaders invited in the Anglo-Saxons in the first place, for equally short-sighted reasons. The carrot in this current day is that each Celtic nation gets to be recognized, [they don't fully appreciate that it's as a satellite region of the EU yet, in all but name], they get to have their own play-parliament and they can pretend they're now a sovereign nation, the money pours in from the EU for much needed infrastructure to replace lost English revenue and England is effectively isolated."

I thought it would be information overload to bring in the West-Lothian question at this point so I went on:

"It's vital for the EU to isolate England because it was always the major obstacle to any European power's strength. 1066 succeeded, the 1588 Armada didn't, the 100 Years War came to nothing, Napoleon failed, as did the Kaiser and Hitler. England has always been under siege, much as Israel is today."

"And the EU wants to break the U.S. connection."

"Exactly. It's not only the destruction of England as an ancient feud - the British/U.S. nexus also has to be broken and NATO as well, so that the continental bloc paradigm holds sway and the 1984 style "constant warfare" scenario can be effected. Hence Merkel's Army, the drive coming form the Bruderheist and other pondlife, hence Milliband's enthusiastic support."

"But England is still strong - it's exports and GDP still ensure it's a powerful opponent."

"Yes, unless there is no England, only nine regions under an EU umbrella."

"But the English wouldn't put up with that."

"Unless countless millions are poured into the nine regions for visible infrastructural improvements and for the relief of unemployment, which has been induced anyway in the first place. I also suspect personal debt relief will come into this somewhere down the track also. That would quell most opposition."


"Look at a hypothetical analogy. Russia offers itself to its people as the motherland/fatherland. Pensions and salaries are woeful and gloom abounds. OK, the EU is a shining 1000 Points of Light. Russians have eyes for money and the EU has it.

Now imagine that the EU offered to pour billions into Russian infrastructure to the point where unemployment is greatly reduced, jobs abounded and building projects could be seen everywhere.

The people then have a choice between an idea - being a poor Russian - or living well under the auspices of the EU. Wouldn't you be happy to cede your sovereignty for the moment [always planning to get it back somewhere down the line] in exchange for medium term prosperity?"

"Russians wouldn't put up with that."

"No, they wouldn't. And neither would Americans. So the EU would ensure that the word "Russia" would still exist, just as the SPPNA will ensure that the U.S.A. remains as a concept, long after the organs of state have passed to the NGO called the NAAC from March, 2009. There'd still be token assemblies, there'd still be a Capitol Hill, still be a Westminster and White House, still be a pretence of democratic process in the post-democratic era and the people could rest assured that all was well.

Except for the pesky checkpoints, armed militia, restrictions on travel [for ecological reasons of course], the sheer weight of bureaucratic constraints and all your personal data in central giant computers [the EU's original computer was nicknamed "The Beast"]. Chipped from birth to death and "mentored" your whole life.

Iris scan ID and eventually the successor to patents #5,629,678 and #5,878,155 - the Digital Corp maintenance free, under-the-skin chip security ID, using GPS, which they call the 'Digital Angel' - these would be used to help "protect the free economic space" called the EU."

"I don't believe it."

"Neither did my friend this morning. But you've just come back here from Europe. Was the level of security the same as ten years ago?"

"Go on."

"In the English scenario, the short term benefits of free [but scrutinized] travel within the EU space would suit many Brits, the obscene amounts of money which the British government has simply not ploughed into the infrastructure in past decades, including in education and hospitals - now this money starts to pour in and the benefits of EU membership are apparent to all.

The only people who would rail against it are malcontents now labelled as "English Nationalists"; they do not enjoy universal support from the newly economically pampered people who have become less and less English anyway as unrestricted immigration is rampant and so these "English" then find themselves isolated as "Separatist Insurgents" within their own country. They're now told there's no such thing as a "pure Englishman" anyway."

"I can see how it would look to English eyes but surely it's better to live well than scratch for a living."

"True but why did we have to scratch for a living in the first place? It was induced, that's why. In the 5th largest world economy, there is no need for EU money beyond simple trading within an EEC economic space. How did the idea of an armed Union arise?

Trouble is, many people have themselves travelled in the past few decades and they've seen another life out there beyond English borders - they see a more sophisticated, cosmopolitan life and wouldn't want to go back to the days of Harold Wilson, the coalminers' strike and the Winter of Discontent - just three examples."

"Just as the Russians don't wish to go back to the Soviet Union."

"All of this helps the EU along and people's patriotism for this strange thing called England becomes just words, semantics. It's all been very well done."

"And so?'

"And so nothing. You need another coffee?"


  1. Nicely put.
    The financial aspect, lubrication, etc, IS important.
    The morality of the BBC, and all MSM, is analogous to something I flush every morning.
    So much is happening globally, that trying to predict the end game, and thus develop a survival plan, location,(jurisdiction - before the doors slam, and they will), and business, is extremely difficult.

    This is a link to a 750mb, 3.5 hour documentary, which I would regard as a must have
    It deals with the birth of the families behind the financial empires that now rule the world.
    Unfortunately it was filmed in the late 90s, and could stand an update.

    Follow that with this excellent editorial Concerning market manipulation, and you begin to get the picture.

    I have spoken in the past about market manipulation by insiders, GDP growth of 2% hailed as good, when inflation, (true inflation) is 6%+.
    In the US, for inflation statistics, the oil price is taken monthly, on Tuesday of the week with the 13th, in it.
    Find a daily graph of US crude prices, to see the manipulation, each, and every month!

    The above link speaks about "The end game", but I am unable to find it as instructed. If you do find it, perhaps you could post a direct link?

    Carrying the knowledge from the film through to the above link, one gets a feeling of where it will end, and the prognosis is not good.

    I see the rush to EU as all part of this picture. There seem to be various global/regional models all evolving, but the end result will be the same, with all the attendant personal tragedies and suffering.

    Perhaps a gross miscalculation on the part of the US, is the back-heeling of Israel, no doubt carried out in order to obtain smoothly flowing oil, (insofar as oil can be smooth flowing in the face of "peak"). Cisco is now free to export high tech infrastructure to Syria, etc that can double as military infrastructure, and Cisco has seized the gift. Hamas is openly parading its muscularity in Gazoo, Syrian inspired political assassinations in Lebanon proceed apace, and the West leaning government will fail. Widespread Hezbullah purchases of land south of the Litani will aid in future aggression. I would not rule out an Israeli response that is not in the game plan. Although Olmert is currently on-side with Washington, it is difficult to call the bet in the face of daily missiles, by the dozen, from Gazoo.
    Something along those lines could upset global plans.
    That said, and maybe it won't happen, my unease grows with increasing knowledge of the gameplan, and personal planning becomes more imperative.

  2. All very interesting but where is this money coming from? The money that is going to pour into the regions that were formerly England to suppress the opposition. The EU, like the UN has no money of its own, all is contributed by the members.
    So England contributes to the EU and gets its own money back? No, because it is what we call a "have" region here and more goes to the "have not" regions.

    (In Canada we have three "have" provinces -BC, Alberta and Ontario-and the rest are "have not" provinces and we pay in more than we get back, by a very long shot, the rest being distributed to the "have nots".)

    I read recently that supposedly England will pay in more to the EU than France and will get back less than half of what France will receive.

    I'm obviously out to lunch on this issue, sorry, but this is something that doesn't make sense to me.

  3. JMB
    Watch the above video, all is revealed.
    M3 is growing in the uk by 14%+/-, and we are expected to believe inflation is only 2%+/- ?
    Who are they kidding?
    Central banks are magicians!

  4. And I need yet another g & t! I still don't see how you can call GB a "traitor" - sorry. Your argument is persuasive but I would rather be in the EU than out of it and I support its original ideal, as you know. I don't think you can compare England and Israel in this way as they are "under siege" [if England is] for very different reasons. And Israel is doing quite a lot of "sieging" itself. We are never going to agree on this one.

  5. The EU, like the UN has no money of its own, all is contributed by the members.

    JMB - the ancient money is behind them. There is money without limit in the heart of Europe, before you even begin to look at Britain and new York.

    Welshcakes - all will become clear.

    Anons - thanks.

  6. "And Israel is doing quite a lot of "sieging" itself. We are never going to agree on this one".

    Heard of Sderot WC?

  7. This is a good post but I think England has more "enemies" within than without and I find the comparison with the Israeli position somewhat non sequitur so thus lean slightly towards Welshcakes' position.

    There is much I can find fault in with the practical inception of the EU but find myself agreeing with the principal of the union. Its weakness perhaps stems from a lack of British conservative involvement at the centre and its domination by left-leaning national politicians. If the conservatives of Europe stopped hating it so much and fought at the centre of it there is little reason why they could not transform it towards a centre ground.

  8. Another media secret: you can vote about the EU Constitution! Vote YES or NO at!

  9. James
    "The EU, like the UN has no money of its own, all is contributed by the members."
    This is true in theory.
    In practice, I believe the EU, via its grants and infrastructural funds, and a plethora of other vehicles, is acting as a central bank would.
    Creating credits for applicants to spend.
    This is in addition to the actions of the ECB.
    My evidence is anecdotal and probably speculative only, at this point, but, watch the video, the principles are simple. And the EU accounts have not been signed off by auditors for, erm, is it 12, or 13 years now.
    No amount of conservative involvement, even from the inception, which they were NOT INVOLVED IN, would have altered the lean.
    It is part of a much larger game plan.
    If you take away all the manipulations, financial, economic, statistical, most of the western economies have been in recession for the best part of a decade, at least. It has been hidden by budget and trade deficits, "off balance sheet" items, and a host of other crap, like the growth in all measures of money supply (itself doctored).
    In essence, that is what is causing the polarising of wealth and society in the UK and the west in general. A social stratification that has been further aggrieved by the importation of vast swathes of peoples having the deliberate intention of non-integration. A heterogeneous society, sliced and diced all ways, at the deliberate policy lead of the EU, and toynbee like richard-heads in the UK.
    Future civilian unrest.
    Once PPP is achieved, almost globally, the coalesced power blocks can be played off against each other, in a more or less stalemate situation, much as Europe has been played off in the last century, creating debt.
    Prior, and during WW1, German Rothschilds loaned to the German gov't, the French Rothschilds loan to the French, and the British Rothschilds to the British, - - a very profitable period.
    The FED, BofE, and Kuen Loeb, (Wall Street) financed the Russian revolution.
    Consider this quote, made originally in reference to the Russian revolution, but equally applicable to the EU.
    "Why would the richest, most powerful men openly support communism, - a system that was openly vowing to destroy capitalism, - a system that has made them wealthy?
    Consider this, - If one understands that socialism is NOT a share-the-wealth programme, but is in reality a method to consolidate and control the wealth, then the seeming paradox of super-rich men promoting socialism, becomes no paradox at all. Instead it becomes logical, even the perfect tool of power seeking megalomaniacs. Communism, or more accurately all socialism, is not a movement of the down-trodden masses, but of the economic elite".

    Louis T. McFadden (D. PA), Chairman of the House Banking, and Currency Committee, said.
    "The course of Russian History has indeed been greatly affected by the operations of international bankers......The Soviet government US Treasury Funds by the Federal Reserve Board....acting through the Chase Bank. England has drawn money from us through the Federal Reserve Banks, and has re-lent it to the Soviet Government......the Dnieperstory Dam was built with funds unlawfully taken from the US Treasury by the corrupt and dishonest Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks">
    That is, the FED, and the Bof E, both private corporations, at the behest of the international bankers who quietly own and control them, founded and funded a world monster. 7 decades of revolution, war, and DEBT
    How blind does the population have to be, to not understand that this is the current game-plan, but on a truly GLOBAL SCALE?, preparatory to the establishment of........?
    The writing is on the wall, in the history books, and in the text books of international banking, and in the statistical office of most governments. Don't you think it is significant that the Chinese government, that holds hundreds of billions of US toxic paper, has been remarkably silent about the affair? Strange that the Bank of Japan was the only world central bank not involved in the current trumpeted rescue of gawd knows what?
    The world is not as classical economists would believe. Every tool used by Economists has been politically degraded to the point where the use of economic protocols give the readings desired by politicians, corrupted in turn by their silent masters, the shadow government of all nations

  10. Well, Well.
    Now it seems that Japanese banks have been asked to contribute!
    Analysts say the contribution is to much, ergo the problem is big, ergo shares fall
    Major US banks report this week.
    Will confessions be honest?


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