Tuesday, October 02, 2007

[blackwater] prince erik in deep water

I'm in the wrong game:

"To the extent there was loss of innocent life, let me be clear that I consider that tragic. Every life, whether American or Iraqi, is precious," Prince says in his statement. But he adds that "based on everything we currently know, the Blackwater team acted appropriately while operating in a very complex war zone on Sept. 16."

Erik Prince, a former Navy SEAL officer, founded Blackwater in 1997. Its business skyrocketed after al Qaeda's 2001 attacks on New York and Washington and the subsequent invasion of Afghanistan, where the U.S. government hired it to provide security in hostile areas.

Now why can't I get into something like this? Stir up some trouble and finance a terrorist gang, then secure the contract to pursue them and wipe them out? Ah defence contracts - I'm dreaming of you. Blackwater, Whitewater, who cares? It's all money.

Just in case you didn't quite get that:

Aмериканская охранная компания не обеспечила своим работникам надлежащей защиты и поддержки. В частности, Blackwater отправила их в Ирак до того, как вступил в силу их контракт, и проигнорировала предупрежения об опасности пребывания в Фаллудже, которая была центром иракского сопротивления. Кроме того, погибших не снабдили необходимым оружием и бронированным транспортным средством, а в группе было меньше человек, чем положено.


  1. Agreed the rise of private security companies is one of the developments of the last twenty years. And not necessarily a good one...

  2. Surely Blackwater are mercenaries, albeit ones that give their shareholders dividends...

    I wish I could read your Russian links, sadly an O level in Russian from 1979 is little help!

  3. I wish I could read them too.

    Private security - wheels within wheels.


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