Tuesday, September 25, 2007

[political blogging guide] centre-right results

Lot's of hard work, Iain. These are the ones from my blogroll and congratulations to all. Blogpower is in red and the 2nd figure in some cases is last year's position:

1 2 Iain Dale’s Diary 2 5 Dizzy Thinks 5 14 Croydonian 7 3 Burning our Money 8 NEW Devil's Kitchen 9 NEW Tim Worstall 10 6 8 Archbishop Cranmer 7 James Cleverly 11 23 Mr Eugenides 12 NEW Waendel Journal [the one BP lost and hope to get back] 16 64 Prague Tory 19 9 Ellee Seymour 21 NEW Daily Referendum 23 NEW Sinclair's Musings 24 NEW An Englishman's Castle 25 52 Theo Spark 28 36 UK Daily Pundit 29 58 Freedom & Whiskey 32 NEW Islington Newmania 33 NEW City Unslicker 34 NEW Matt Wardman 35 48 Man in a Shed 37 NEW Nourishing Obscurity 38 NEW Samizdata 40 50 Martine Martin's Lebwog 41 NEW Daily Propaganda 42 NEW Musings of a Reactionary Snob 43 22 Bel is Thinking 44 NEW Prodicus 51 NEW Nation of Shopkeepers 54 79 Thunder Dragon 56 NEW Little Man in a Toque 59 NEW Last Ditch 60 31 Gavin Ayling 64 NEW Is there more to life than shoes? 66 41 A Conservative's Blog 71 NEW Blognor Regis 81 24 Road to EU Serfdom 84 NEW Istanbul Tory 85 NEW Neue Arbeit Macht Frei 86 NEW Pub Philosopher 98 NEW Martin Kelly 100 71 Laban Tall

I don't see how Devil's Kitchen and Tim Worstall are new but there you go.


  1. Well done James,

    It's a real credit to have so many Blogpowers in this list.

  2. Yes James, congratulations on so many Blogpower members being included on the list, and your well earned position too.

  3. Congratulations James and to all the other Blogpower members who made the list.

  4. Well done James I didn't notice your position when I posted earlier today- but very well done that's fantastic news that you did so well!

  5. Thank you to all here. I'd like to run a post on the general thing this morning - probably will.

  6. Last year was a list of Conservative blogs rather than right of centre which explains some of the new entries that you mentioned.

  7. congratulations to all, and thank you for making Blogpower look good!

  8. And many congratulations to you upon being included. Well deserved x


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