Sunday, August 12, 2007

[state paedophilia] original document

Some of you will recall the distasteful issue of state sanctioned child molestation to which Prodicus first brought our attention:

I blogged about cultural suicide recently and today I read of one of the logical conclusions of our society's deliberate trashing of its historic approach to fundamental values.
Matt Murrell and others quite rightly questioned the way that all links led to people's interpretations of the original document but not the original document itself.

Now, via Dana, many thanks, here is that original pdf:

Kö rper, Liebe, Doktorspiele (Body, Love, Playing Doctor) (pdf, in German, free download)

If your German is at all good, you'll see for yourself that this was no beat up. It exists. For me then, as I commented to Dana, this is not just an issue in itself but also an indicator of the mindset pervading at this level of decision making within Europe and Germany in particular.

In other words, these are the sorts of people in charge whom I've been referring to sporadically and calling vermin, which terminology dear Welshcakes Limoncello understandably took exception to.


  1. My German's not up to it but ok, if it exists, then I can only agree with you, James.

  2. My German certainly isn't up to a 40 page booklet, but Dana's description of it suggests that a lot of people are reading into it what isn't really there:

    Nothing in it is particularly shocking. Or at least it shouldn't be.

  3. Matt, you don't read the origianl and then make a judgement on it as an origianl, based on someone's interpretation. I didn't post the interprestation - I posted the original. :)

    Welshcakes - as far as you can trust me and I've looked through it - it exists.

  4. MattM, you need to read past my first summary. There is a reason I say it shouldn't be shocking and it isn't because it doesn't say what it says.

    It is because this has been going on for such a long time and there is a precedent for it. If you look further down, I provide other quotes from other sources, here in the United States, advocating the same thing.

    It isn't shocking, because it has been going on for years.

  5. Dana,

    I'm sorry if I took that comment out of context, but your post does give a different reading of the text to the one presented by James:

    "Fathers do not devote enough attention to the cli****s and v****a of their daug***rs. Their caresses too seldom pertain to these regions, while this is the only way the girls can develop a sense of pride in their s*x," reads the booklet regarding 1-3 year olds. The authors rationalize, "The child touches all parts of their father's body, sometimes arousing him. The father should do the same."

    This suggests that fathers should actively seek to arouse their children. Whereas the impression I get from your summary is that it's more about not creating a taboo:

    While it emphasizes that you should not touch your child or allow yourself to be touched in such a way that makes you uncomfortable, there is the constant suggestion that if you are uncomfortable with this form of touch, there is something wrong with you, ie., you were raised in an overly strict home or were molested yourself.

    While the general philosophy underlying this is distasteful to many people, it seems a far cry from the state-sponsored paedophilia that James is on about.

  6. The context for the quote that Lifesite pulled does not lead to a substantially different reading. (It is at the top of page 27 of the brochure). They encourage you to touch your young child's genitalia and they encourage you to allow your child to explore your body.

    The line they draw is this:

    If you are doing this for your sexual gratification, you should stop. If you are doing it for the gratification of your child, it is ok.

    Technically, that is not really pedophilia, since pedophilia is for the sexual gratification of the adult. But the physical touch is the same.

    Many pedophiles do not see what they are doing as harmful to children. In fact, go to technorati and search for blogs that have linked to the Lifesite article. You will find at least one pedophile (I love little girls is his blog, I believe) who points to this article. NAMBLA's site is full of links to these kinds of things.

    And I'm sorry, I would not allow my children to touch me in that way and the discomfort with that has nothing to do with supposed sexual abuse. The suggestion that something is wrong with you for having such boundaries is sort of disturbing. As is the suggestion that you are doing harm to your children if you teach them to set boundaries on who may touch them where.

  7. I chose not to rehash the same quotes because the post was getting long enough as it is. The point of my article is that this has been going on a long time in Germany and is more accepted there, although we are heading in the same direction.

    I suppose you could say it is about not creating taboos at adults touching their children in a sexual manner.

    The point is to make sure your child can enjoy his sexuality from a young age, meaning sexual contact among peers. Those are the "taboos" they are trying to destroy. You can see it in the song that Lifesite quoted, if you look a little further than where they cut it off:

    When I look at my body and touch it
    I always discover what all is unique to me We have a
    vagina Because we are

    It is here under the tummy
    Between my legs.
    It is not just there for urination,
    And when I touch it, yes, yes,
    Then it tickles very nice.
    You can say, "No,"
    You can say, "Yes,"
    You can say, "Stop," or
    "Again, just like that."

    "I don't like that."
    "I like that a lot."
    "Oho, do it more like that."

    I cannot imagine leading a roomful of kindergarteners in a song like that.

  8. can obviously delete that if you want.

  9. I came across this blog late. Interesting reading, I'd like to see a complete English translation of the pamphlets. I'd just like to point out a couple of facts that a very short search for crime statistics reveled:

    Germany has one-third the rate of rape or teenage suicide as the United States. Maybe we should take a closer look at how they're raising their children. By almost all measures, they are happier and better adjusted than American kids.

  10. There is no known link between children who were nurtured years ago in Germany's societal framework and the new paedophilia recommendations.

    Germany's society is different to the U.S. in so many ways, not least the culpability of the U.S. female in refusing to accept traditional roles in the family. In Germany and in particular, Austria, they do, as in Russia.

    This creates a grandmother extended family scenario which is responsible for children growing up sexually adjusted.

    State paedophilia is an attempt to pervert and destroy that.


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