Sunday, June 10, 2007

[country profiles] ten more for your delectation and frustration

Don't forget to take the Science Quiz. Thousands have [forgotten].

Now to the Country Quiz:

1] One and one-half times the size of Texas, second ethnicity Berber; the Wafd Party forced Britain to relinquish its claims on the country.

2] Real name Köztársaság [2nd word], devastating invasion by the Mongols killed half of its population in 1241, current policy “reform without austerity”.

3] Currently under blighted rule, the remains of early humans, dating back 500,000 years, have been discovered, in March 2002, suspended from C of N.

4] Hosting a multinational force right now, the Hindu Kush mountain range dominates, 36% literacy rate.

5] Malvinas.

6] Ring of mountains encircles the Bohemian Plateau, monetary unit the Koruna, literacy rate 100%, joined NATO in March 1999.

7] Lord Mountbatten [not India].

8] Main language only spoken by 30%, in May 1975, the kingdom of Sikkim became a full-fledged state within the country, has a problem with Maoist insurgents.

9] Most often the winner of the Eurovision.

10] Voodoo, Jean-Bertrand Aristide.

Answers here.


  1. Five this time. I didn't know **** had won the Eurovision the most time. You live and learn.

  2. Five, too. I didn't know that about Ireland either.

  3. Oh dear, back in the failure range again! Four. I'm sticking with Science.

  4. Failed on Hungary. I thought Hungary was Magyarazag and guessed the answer as, er, Kazakhstan.
    Which was a bit silly, obviously.


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