Wednesday, March 21, 2007

[george w bush] rarely is the question asked

"No, Sonny, hold it like this when you read."

Love this one from the Asia Times:

President George W Bush's reading tastes - which have been a remarkably good predictor of his policy views - are moving ever rightward. Apocalyptic titles now on his bedside table - such as America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It - suggest we'd all better finish our books before it's too late. - Jim Lobe

This is even more poignant when compared to his previous reading efforts:

In the summer of 2002, for example, Bush was seen carrying a just-published copy of Supreme Command by neo-conservative military historian (and recently appointed State Department counselor) Eliot Cohen. The book argued that the greatest civilian wartime leaders, notably Abraham Lincoln and Churchill, had a far better strategic sense than their generals.

An entertaining read. Apocalypse when?


  1. Mark Steyn, author of the apocolyptic sounding work:
    It was the President of the United States who recommended The History Of The English-Speaking Peoples Since 1900 to me. He was making a bit of social chitchat as I and a couple of others were leaving the Oval Office last year, and he asked me if I'd read Andrew Roberts' new book. For a world-renowned moron, President Bush is (from my limited acquaintance) far more widely read than many of his detractors. I don't just mean feeble types like the marketing dept. of Ontario's Lakehead University, whose advertising used a photo of Bush as a warning of the terrible failure that awaited those too dim to enter the groves of Thunder Bay academe, or, whose Toronto billboards likewise brandished a picture of Bush over the slogan "Don't read enough?" Compared to, say, powerful congressional committee chairmen, the President reads plenty, especially books on history and global affairs. My advice to Maclean's after the next US election is to fire me and pitch the gig to Dubya.

  2. Well that's lovely, BR, to get the real deal from Mark Steyn and thanks for presenting it here.


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