Saturday, January 20, 2007

[charming situation] can't comment on my own blog

1] Every single post, Blogger asks me to switch to Beta. I ignore it;
2] When I go to someone else's Beta, I have to use a Google Account to comment;
3] My own blog now asks me to comment in the Beta way, by asking for my Google Account;
4] When I fill it in, it says I have no Google Account, [which I have just used to comment on someone else's blog];
5] I can't comment on my own post.


6] I decide I finally have to try this Beta out, create a new blog, then go to switch it to Beta;
7] Beta says that at this time, it can't switch me because they're only switching a limited number of blogs and I'm not one of them. They further say that one or more of my blogs is unswitchable and therefore the rest are also unswitchable;
8] I succumb, cross my fingers and go to switch ALL my blogs;
9] They say sorry but one or more of my blogs ... but one day I can 'join in the fun'. They ask me if the comment was helpful. I press: 'No.'
10] They say thank you for my comment and at that point I jump up and run around the room screaming and gibbering like an idiot, muttering obscenities and wanting to kick the screen in, which is counterproductive and besides, it's actually Blogger I want to kick in anyway, isn't it?

I calmly post to you that I can't comment on your comments at this moment, dear commenters. I'm really, very, very sorry. How long Blogger will play this practical joke I know not.


  1. You're welcome to comment on my blog, I don't use blogger and you don't need a google account.

  2. Oh, James, thank you. You always make me feel better. I get the same messages from blogger and I'm so relieved it's not something I don't know about [again]. Hope you're having a buona serata.

  3. Blogger is a very strange beast- they haven't really thought it through, have they?

    I upgraded apparently without issue but now can't get onto Defending the Blog to post as it doesn't seem to want to let me mix & match retrospectively. (I can ;leave comments though, it isn't all bad).

  4. James, have you tried choosing the "Other" option when commenting, and simply entering your name and URL manually? It works for me, just don't tell Tim Ireland that that's what I rely on. He's right that it's a potential route to abuse online identities. Or is that a different thread?

  5. I'm with Ian that sounds like a solution- having said that blogger was playing up this afternoon- I was helping a mate with his blog this afternoon- installing sitemeter and things like that and Blogger kept doing really odd things, it wouldn't install sitemeter because it kept reversing the order of the code as you installed it and then complained that the code wasnt' right. Seems to me like they are having one of their periodic crises at the mooment.


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.